xD The internet. Yay.

Feb 25, 2006 00:02

My Maple warrior is lvl 15!! xD yay!

Found while looking through sore throat remedies for a friend:
"When I was a child I assumed the cause of the sore throat was bacteria and I remmbered sunlight kills some bacteria. So I opened my mouth into direct sunlight for 15 mins. I know this sounds strange but it has worked for me. The effect is rather imediate."

from http://www.otan.us/webfarm/emailproject/sorethroat.htm

^____^ The internet is fun. you never know what you're going to find. xD hehehe

.. Picture it. Little kid. mouth open to the sun. yay. xD
update:*whine* =( I missed two on my Javascript quiz. I'm not at 100% for the class anymore. =( *sniffles* That sucks. =( [ Yes, I am being a whiny perfectionist]


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