Nov 30, 2004 11:30
Last night my computer wouldn't wake up from sleep. (No apple or dwarfs to be found.) I flipped my shit, cussed, threw my alarm clock- yet my roomie commended me on how calmly I took it. Wow. I think I love her. PM tried to help but wound up covering all the basics that I had already attempted, thus frustrating me further. He did, however, offer to lend me a 'puter if mac couldn't help. (And a little twinkle of light glints off the armor...) Mac did, however, solve the problem. It only took 15 minutes on hold and a screwdriver (and they lived happily ever after). Note to mac: if you want to keep people calm while on hold, do not play the latest by Alantis Morrisette. I thought I was going to explode.
I'll be shutting down my computer rather than putting it on sleep mode for hours- old apartments tend to brown-out and that is apparently what jacked it up. Shit I DON'T need at the end of the semester.
In more recent news: I rocked ass on my presentation this morning. Well, more than most.