doing stuff in Michigan

Feb 04, 2011 19:30

L and I were planning on a nice, relaxing weekend in a Chicago hotel/spa, but the winter storm that swept the midwest this week forced us to reconsider. Chicago received 20 inches of snow, and that town is worse than NYC in terms of dealing with weather on its streets. We figured we probably couldn't even get into the city. Boo.

Instead, we plowed our own drive, shoveled the walks, and holed up indoors. The solarium needed some serious culling, so we hit that hard yesterday. Man, I love that room. It's two stories high, made mostly of glass, and about 800 square feet of plants, plants, plants. I'm growing little baby food plants right now, so I have an excuse to be in there daily. Wait. Do I need an excuse? Not really. So I read in there on sunny days, sit and stare, whatever. Love it. It was really nice repotting plants with L--so peaceful.

Our stay-cation has also entailed some movie watching, home cooking, and hot morning lovin'. Fire in the wood stove every night, naturally. Lots of furniture moving over the next few days too, since the ground level floor is getting an overhaul of new, local white pine. L was initially a little nervous about taking over all of J's home reno direction, but has really risen to the task. Bonus: no one throws a fit when the colors change. L and I talked in length about J yesterday; yeah, it's better without him.

Oh yes, and today I joined the local gym. It's been strange not working our so regularly (not that I'm at a lack for physical activity on a farm, mind), so I'm glad to get back into a more frequent running groove again. Next week I hit the nonprofit bylaws and articles of incorporation. *gulp*

michigan, travel, art-farm, gardening

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