Jan 28, 2011 16:20
After nearly a month of living/working/farming in Michigan, I've pretty much abandoned the old beauty standards of NYC (and let's face it, I brought a good bit of my Southern gal aesthetics to NYC--though happily abandoning pantyhose along the way). For the corporate gigs, I sported a blow-out and full (natural, tasteful) make-up five days a week. I bet a number of my pals in New York would be surprised to know I have naturally wavy hair. So--with a little praise and coaxing from L--I've stopped straightening my hair and rather enjoy its unruliness.
Washing my hair daily is out the window too. I knew it wasn't healthy, but I couldn't find a way around my oiliness (which is only accentuated by daily washing, to be sure). Guess what--it's too cold in MI for oily scalp or skin, at least to the degree I became accustomed to in previous climates. As a result, my skin is super manageable and blemish-free most always. Not wearing make-up on a daily basis helped enormously as well. Sometimes I use moisturizer, but that's about it. No more daily face regimen! *dance dance dance*
How is it that foregoing beauty myths and standards has resulted in me looking BETTER? Well, I suspect the Ladyproducts Industry has a few dirty secrets, among them: beauty products eff up your hair and skin, requiring the purchase of more products and services. *cha-ching* Yeah, I think I've effectively taken myself out of that yucky cycle, to the benefit of my health and wallet.
the corporate world,