Mar 28, 2010 17:11
Last night I went to a party in Manhattan... had a great time, had a few drinks. I departed early in the morning, not fretting the trains because I only had one transfer and both trains were running fine. Plus, I had a good book to keep me company.
I awoke at Avenue U on the Q train. Where, pray tell, is Avenue U? Just a few stops shy of Coney Island, that's where. I had overslept and overshot--a rookie mistake. What's worse, I left the train thinking I could simply walk to the other platform and catch a northbound train. Not so! Due to construction, I had to wait for *another* southbound train, transfer at the appropriate station, THEN go north. All of these were outdoor stations, I might add; it was terribly cold at that hour. Were chagrin a fuel, I could have warmed half of Brooklyn.
I dragged myself to be at 4:30 AM. Antithetical to the evening, it was.