Just luck.

Jan 11, 2010 19:03

Last Wednesday, when I bought some cheap sushi at Liberty Place, she included a two-dollar bill in my change. Of course, I wanted it to mean something, or was at least willing to make up some bullshit over what I should do with it. I decided I would take it as a charm of some sort, but of course, I use the term "charm" loosely. Basically, any object that requires some sort course of action with a vague hope of a positive outcome.
At first I told myself I'd carry it around in my wallet until the end of the semester, then considered putting it in the tip jar at Borders, but I always feel awkward letting them see me do that, and I wasn't able to grab a moment when he wasn't looking. So I told myself I'd carry it around until something I deemed acceptable happened, and then put it in a tip jar of my choosing.

I went to bed early last night, and had an adventure that involved following some guy into a thickly fogged forest and dancing in decrepit vegetable garden. At one point we found an ATM (yes, in the middle of some trees) and he withdrew some money and gave me a share.
It consisted of a ten, a five, and a two-dollar bill.

There was stuff about a ravine and a road sign, but I'm too lazy to go into the entire thing.


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