A depression art

Jan 18, 2013 03:16

This picture is not depressing and nothing to do with POI.
I just did it to get my mind off how hurtful some people can get.
I joined a site founded by 2 members of this comm. I joined in chat ready to discuss "Contingency". It quickly turned into Season 2 turning into the Carter and Reese fall in love show. Got no problem with that. Can't blame them for liking Reese/Carter together. I might feel the same way but Harold/John are my ship. Yeah I know ain't gonna happen in con.
But why do they want to deny that connection exists even in a non-romantic way? The fact John was beside himself/ actually threatened the machine he'd rather be killed than be without Harold was just swept under the rug. They would rather ewww and ahhh that Reese/Carter relationship is heating up. He broke in her place 2x and asked her to go to Texas = love. I got no problem with that. Just Harold wasn't even in the scheme of things. It wan't about saving Harold it was about romance. That pissed me off.
But what really hurt was when someone said Harold in the guard uniform with that riot gun was hilarious. That was a wonderful scene Harold at the end of his rope resorting to well Reese tactics to save John. Harold is not John...and if they had preceeded with his plan more than likely Plan whatever wouldn't have ended well. To have Harold involve himself in this plan knowing it could go pear-shaped was just awesome. Maybe it wasn't awesome and was hilarious to that person but to say it when another person just expressed their love of it was just hurtful and mean. &^%* them.
Well enough of that...
ME love

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