Jul 30, 2006 04:52
Left on Fung Wah bus from Boston to NYC with Frankie. Arrived in NYC and went to Grand Central, where we got on a train going back to Westport, CT. Got off train, took cab to Jessup Green, where we had a free fancy dinner with an open bar and met rich people we didn't know and who were two and three times our age. Obviously didn't belong. Watched free concert of The Temptations and The Four Tops in cool outdoor pavilion. Picked up by friend and spent the night in Darien, CT. Took train back to NYC. Wandered streets of Manhattan a little while with Frankie, trying to decide how to occupy ourselves. Met up with old friends Ingrid and Jon. Realized that "old" now includes people from college. Saw "The Drowsey Chaparone" with Dan at, once again, The Marquis. Realized that after 3 "Millies" and a "La Cage," that was the fifth time I've seen a show there. Sat in the front row for 25 dollars. Show=fine, Sutton=sadly forgettable, Beth Leavell=really freaking funny. Overall, the show wasn't less than I expected it to be, and actually was more creative than expected. But it was, once again, a mildldy flat Broadway show. After that, stood at the stage door with friend Dan as he pretended, several times to walk out the stage door and to the limo parked at the sidewalk just to see if people would think he was on Broadway as he yelled back to us about his matinee tomorrow. People stared. Talked to Beth Leavell, because I can no longer ask people for autographs, as it is too embarrassing for me to deal. Sutton sneaks out secret door without coming out. Walk to Penn Station. Buy ticket on 11:30 bus to Boston. Bus fills up, wait for 12:30 bus. Ride Greyhound to arrive in Boston at 4:30ish. Take cab to 315 Commonwealth Avenue, where I lie in my bed typing this. Good times...