I'll always remember the happy moments, and smile as I reminisce each one of them.
(DISCLAIMER: Photo does not belong to me. Credits to its rightful owner.)
It had been a few days since the news broke about Pi and Ryo leaving NEWS devastated all of the NEWS fans out there. Up until now, I can’t exactly say that I have gotten over it since their farewell came as a big shock to me and I wasn’t really prepared at all. Moreover, something at the back of mind kept telling me that the two would never leave NEWS. But reality tells me otherwise.
Slowly, the fact that Yamapi and Ryo (who happens to be my ichiban and niban, respectively, as well as my OTP) have both left NEWS is sinking in. Tears have stopped falling from my already swollen eyes and slowly, I can start listening to their songs again after trying to avoid listening to NEWS’ songs for a couple of days. Slowly, I came realize a lot of things over the weekend. Slowly, I came to understand and accept their decision, though not yet fully, but I know that someday, I’ll be able to accept it and move on.
When the news about RyoPi leaving NEWS reached me, I first thought that it was just another piece of crap, until I saw the news and their statements myself that I came to realize that what I’m seeing is actually the truth. Really, I never thought in my wildest dreams that RyoPi would leave NEWS. Though rumors have been going on this year (remember Yamapi going out to eat to with that American producer? I vaguely remember the details.), I believed and waited that NEWS will come back as a 6- member group. “There’s no way they’d leave.” I remember saying to myself a thousand times that night, but even though I kept saying that and tears kept falling down my eyes, the reality and the truth would not change. Immediately after confirming that they are actually leaving, I thought of leaving the fandom that moment. Yamapi was the reason I came to like NEWS. But then, as time passed by, I realized that now, Yamapi isn’t the sole reason why I came to love NEWS that much. I love NEWS because they are NEWS. Not because of some sole person, or a couple of people. I love them because I saw their, ahem, unobvious member ai. Though I was not a fan yet when it happened, I somehow felt the pain they went through before after losing two members. I remember crying with them as I watch Never Ending Wonderful Story, their comeback concert. I remember being touched with Hoshi wo Mezashite’s lyrics. I remember laughing with them when they were all bullying Shige. I remember the times when they fool around with each other- Tego putting on tape of Koyama’s luggage, Ryo feeding Shige with almost ten takoyaki’s and beef tongue, Ryo asking Koyama to dance Love Addiction in front of him, Tego and Pi’s never ending, “Umai!” “Oichi” scenes, Massu being the only one left on the table after everyone has finished eating. I remember the times when they show care to other members- when Koyama became sick, when they were celebrating Ryo and Tego’s birthday in NWPD, when they had a Christmas party and exchanged gifts, when they would surprise the birthday boy during their concerts. The group has gone through a lot of things, be it good or bad. They stick with each other during fun times and even show their care the most during the hard times.
Thinking about the reason why Yamapi and Ryo left, I don’t know but somehow, I can understand Ryo’s decision to leave the group. He had been working with two groups at the same time for the past 8 years- Kanjani8 and NEWS. I know that it’s a tough work for him and somehow, he needs to choose one of the groups. I always thought that when that happens, Ryo would pick Kanjani8. And I was right. I feel that it’s not like he doesn’t love or care for at all. I know he does. Even though he’s the so- called “poision tongue” in the group, I know he cares for the other members as well. He tried several times to bring the group together, asking them to eat out and have fun. Even though he’s not that close with the remaining four members, I know that Ryo treats each one of them as his friends. But in the end, he picked Kanjani8 because that is where he truly belongs. Those other six guys in Kanjani8 have been his friends since childhood and they treat each other as their own brothers. Kanjani8 is where he really is, and I don’t blame him for that. I understand Ryo’s decision to finally leave NEWS. Somehow, after thinking about things, I came to realize that maybe, the only reason that kept Ryo in NEWS all these years is because of Yamapi. They lost a member after NEWS Nippon and another couple of members in 2006. So leaving NEWS during that time may be tough for both the members and the fans so he ought to stay. But then, Yamapi decided to leave NEWS now and I think, Ryo thought of leaving the group the same time as with the so- called leader. It was painful that they both left at the same time, but it would me more painful if one leaves now and another leaves in the near future. Yamapi’s reason, on the other hand, seemed too vague for me. So he’s leaving because he wants to go solo? As a Yamapi fan, I know that he wants to be a superstar and do things on his own. For Yamapi fans, we are fully aware that Yamapi doesn’t want to be in the group in the first place. During his junior days, he was actually looking forward to debuting with 4TOPS, together with Ikuta Toma, his bestest friend in the world. But things didn’t go well with what he had in mind and he needed to work with NEWS, as their leader. I know it was tough for him at the start, but I felt that somehow, I fell in love with the group and came to realize how fun it is to be with NEWS. I know he knew that. I know he felt that, but he decided to leave the group and pursue his solo dreams. Somehow, I feel too bad about this. Wasn’t he doing good with his solo and with NEWS? What’s worse is that he’s the leader of the group and he’s the one leaving? He even promised something about coming back and has asked for the fans to wait for them. I love Yamapi. I really do. But what he had done, somehow, I felt cheated and betrayed at the same time. I can’t help but feel a little bitter towards him and his decision.
Over the weekend, I thought that I’ll still be supporting the 4-nin NEWS. The new NEWS may not be the same. My OTP may have left, but there are still the four remaining members who need my/ our support and love. Also, I thought of starting follow Kanjani8. I’m only familiar with a couple of them now- Yokoyama You and Ryo so I thought of getting to know the other members, too. This decision isn’t made after the departure of Ryo from NEWS. For the past months, I have been starting to feel like knowing Kanjani8 and I think now’s a good time to do so. As for Yamapi, I still love him. He’s the reason why I came to know this fandom so I’ll continue supporting him. However, the support and love that I’ll be giving him from hereon will not be the same as the ones that I gave him before. I don’t know what things will change, but definitely, it’ll be different.
I made this post not to say farewell to NEWS as a whole. I made this post to say goodbye to the 6- nin NEWS and to cheer for the 4-nin NEWS. Things will not be the same. A lot of things will change after the departure of RyoPi. But I hope those changes will be for the better; for the betterment of the 4-nin NEWS. I maybe saying goodbye to the 6-nin NEWS but they’ll always have a special place in my heart- an irreplaceable one. After being bitter about the whole thing over the weekend, I thought of forgetting about that bitterness and just remember the good times I had while being with the 6-nin NEWS. Somehow, I’ll still feel a little off towards RyoPi but slowly, I’ll try to get over it and just remember them as good things that happened to NEWS and to my life. Healing and forgetting may take a long time, but most definitely, I know that I can get over it and move on. Again, I’ll still be cheering for the 4- nin NEWS while trying to get to know Kanjani8. And on the sides, I’ll still be supporting Yamapi. :)
Finally, I can watch Share again without the tears falling from my eyes. It’s a good sign, isn’t it?
P.S. 2
While waiting for the activities of the 4-nin NEWS, maybe I’ll busy myself with Hey! Say! JUMP first. :D By the way, their performance of Beat Line in Shounen Club last October 7 was FLAWLESS.
P.S. 3
Here's a photo of the cake that my friends and I prepared to celebrate Arashi's 12th year, NEWS' 8th year and Hey! Say! JUMP's 4th year :D