She shoots........SHE SCORES!! :)

Nov 14, 2005 05:04

I have been contemplating why I took the job that I did and paid off to the reason why.
I was feeling very torn about staying because I felt like I was being taken advantage of. They wanted me to go way above my means in the store and I didn't like how it made me feel. Ok here's how it went...
I am the Events Coordinator for the store. I do not deal with customers face to face or run register or anything like that. BUT I can do it. I am very customer service oriented. I am a huge kid and I love to help people. Plain and simple. But I was not trained AT TOYS R US for doing these jobs (except customer service....if you have a heart you can do just have to be nice!) But I was not trained properly for running register.....because that's not what I was hired for. So I was talking to one of the managers about how I ran register in the past and that I really loved doing it. Big mistake. One of the other managers then asks me to fill in and run register. I don't have a number to log in with I say so they hook me up with that and teach me the basics of running the register. No problem. I am supposed to be filling in for just an hour while I wait for the next person to come in......4 hours later I'm still on register! And about to cry because not only am I getting every single problem that a customer has. I'm getting every possible mistake one could make running a damn register!!!!! I was furious by the end of the day and I don't get real mad anymore.
So in my head I am thinking well you didn't train me properly this isn't my fault. And when I bring it up that I do not want to be on register UNLESS they train me I'm confronted with frustration and angst. Are you kidding me?!?!?
I almost walked out. There are a lot of people in there that do not need to be working in a kids store. They work in a TOY STORE for goodness sake!!!!!!
But here is how it all made sense to me as to why I am here. I am always trying to figure out what I can learn from being somewhere or going through something........It all was made perfectly clear yesterday :)
Our district manager came in unannounced and our store director made it known that he was here and that we should be 100% in customer service. I was working the sales floor because that's what I do on the weekends when I don't have an event. Well one guest in particular I had helped about 3 times while she was in the store and it was at various places in the store.....just to check on her to make sure she was finding everything ok. Well on the last time I helped her she was in the game board aisle looking at a CSI game and I asked her again are you finding everything alright and Oh that's a great game and the show is amazing! And we also have some CSI DNA labs over in the learning center if they are really into the show...blah blah blah. So I walk away after saying if you need anything else please let us know.
Out of the blue I hear someone screaming HEATHER! HEATHER!!! I'm looking around and see the district manager running up to me. He then tells me "You've won!" I look at him puzzled saying "I won?" And he says Yes you've won. That was my WIFE and not one person has helped her yet and she's been in the store for over 20 minutes. She chimes in and says "Oh she's been helping me since I got here! She's helped me about 2-3 times already." So he thanks me for the great customer service and says that I am an example of what customer service should be and then he hands me a snowflake shaped pin on it with the words JoyMaker 2005 on it. And then says I've only given one other one out in our entire I've given two :)

*pats self on back* I did good!!! hehehehe
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