Lets not do it again.

Mar 30, 2006 14:01

Allright. Well last night was full of under age drinking, and drug abuse. Which may i say makes som people stupid. Like the guy that kept trying to do things with me, and i said no, and he kept trying. Yeah. That really got old. And i almost snapped. So i filled his head with lies so he would stay away from me. Told him i had a boyfreind, ect.. You know wat im talking about girls. And then there was money stolen from numerous people, including me. Oh, and i cant find ma Fox hat. Which makes me want to smash someones face in. Cause its the most badass hat i have ever owned. Also i cant find ma make-up. But on the flipside of things. No hangover. Didnt get that wasted last night, i had a bad feeling bad things were going down, so i decided not to get to fucked up. And i was right by morning, i just didnt catch any of it. Sneaky mother fuckers. I swear if i find out im gonna beat some ass. Oh. And im cleaning all day fun!

Im going to take ma lic. test tomorrow. Im scared yes. Parking right is def something im not to good at. DAMNITMAN. Allright im going back to watever i was doing. I got two letters to write today. And one person i dont even know his address. So... hum...
xOxO Sara

P.S With this guy that im some wat in like with. Sux! I hate the feeling that he gives me, and then takes it away. Its like im always starting back at Square 1. And still, im stuck on him. DAMNITMAN.
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