Feb 16, 2006 14:55
Allright. Well, i got ma lic. paper, so now i git ma permit back, then i can take the test yes! Oh. and i git paid tomorrow. So yeah. maybe enough money to git ma car fixed. Oh yeah... lol. But im going to have to work harder cause i am gitten everything alittle to easily i think. And soon i know it will back fire on me. So how about i make in effort in school, and git ma homework down. Cause uh, i aint doing to well in the school department... Yeah. Im takeing thats ma next goal. You know. Makeing goals and trying to achieve them is kinda like a game. And oh do i love games. (except with guys) but who said this entry had anything about guys in it.) OK.. im rampling on. Im gonna go now. Peace Kuhs.
xOxO Sara