Jan 23, 2006 18:52
Heartbreak. Its amazing aint it. I swear you can hold on to something soo long that when you think you got over it. It sneaks up on you. But im good. lol. How about you? I got the money for ma car to git fixed. Now ma next paycheck goes to the guy who fixed ma car, and britts nextel im gonna buy her, cause she is ma bestest friend and i love her. lol. Im gitten mine free for ma birthday. (Daddyo is buying) Yes! Score! lol. The rest goes in the bank for the bills im gonna have... damn the disadvantage of growing up. Humm... I am really startig to miss muddin. I haven't gone in soo long. So some people are helping me plan for ma birthday party. Which is like 2 months away. March 7th bitches. And well they think i shouls start planning early. lol. Ma thought. Git drunk and git muddy. Hell yeah. But to where thats gonna be is the hard part. Most ma friends agreed on camping prop., def. a bonfire, drinking, and well...to where we are gonna have it at without the cops comeing to bust down ma damn birthday is the question. Any suggestion??? Call me or just post a comment. LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE! Allright. Well i have to go do homework. Of which i always say im gonna do and never do. But i have to.
xOxO <3 S.a.r.a.