I know yassine...

Jan 03, 2006 23:19

I think all of your love and prayers should be going out to two people who really need it. I dont care who you are. I dont care what religion what race. I frankly dont give a shit. Those two people are Trevor Christeson and Chelsea Vance. I dont care if you make this a chain letter. or i dont give a shit. but those people need to know that theres people out there that care about them. If you love them. Repost this. so everyone knows.
All three of us. got into a car accident. I(yassine) made it out with five stitches. so im(yassine) okay. but the other two arent. Trevor lost his ear. and has staples and stitches everywhere. hes okay though. Hes at his house. and if you know where that is. come visit him. and Chelsea. is at bayside or w/e and i havent spoken to her yet. but i(yassine) know she broke her pelvis in two different places. and she cant walk for a couplle of weeks. so show some love. or something.

If you know and love either of these kids. repost this. show some love. please.

Good Luck Yall.
xOxO Sara
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