Edit: I will fix the pics when I get home from work since apparently at some point through the day they disappeared into oblivion xP
In an attempt to make myself forget the incredible discomfort I'm in and that despite all that I'm in class (Because I have an oral exam in Japanese and can't really miss it) I'm going to update on life as it were.
Work is evil. We've been setting up Christmas since August and we're still not done. I spent six hours yesterday repricing clearance Christmas tree ornaments. On the upside of that I sat for most of my shift.
Halloween was pretty good. On Thursday I carved pumpkins with Sarah. Pictures are below the cut.
And we're pretty proud of them. They're obviously not pro or anything but it was pretty neat ^^
Also My Makeup from Halloween Night:
Flash totally killed it but ah well. haha. In regular/poor lighting it looked like someone cracked me over the head with a shovel and proceeded to cut my face open and stitch it back up again. I took my cousin out Trick or Treating and totally used it as an excuse to get some free candy myself. I forgot how generous the people in my old neighbourhood are.
And now for the lulz, Christmas lights that we have at work. Picture was taken by
artemiselani I cannot look at these without laughing.
So that's life so far. And this totally didn't help me distract myself.