Zombie Walk pictures

Oct 25, 2009 23:34

Went to the zombie walk tonight and it was too fun.  Didn't have time to play with a lot of the makeup I wanted to but it ended up being really fun.  Lots of pictures and videos below the cut.  Some of the videos you can't see much but streetlights but it was fun anyway xD  Unfortunately there's always a few morons here and there that really need to chill and not take things too far but those few idiots aside it was way too much fun to go out and shuffle about for an hour XD

These guys were totally awesome.  The intestines were Pantyhose filled with papertowel and cherry jell-o

(Link for those who can't see:  http://s858.photobucket.com/albums/ab146/PurebloodSnake2/?action=view¤t=ZombieWalk09034.flv )

artemiselani is the preeeetiest zombiiiieee xD

Sarah zombie


Aren't we an attractive lot?

(Link if it doesn't work:  http://s858.photobucket.com/albums/ab146/PurebloodSnake2/?action=view¤t=ZombieWalk09035.flv )

(Link:  http://s858.photobucket.com/albums/ab146/PurebloodSnake2/?action=view¤t=ZombieWalk09036.flv )

(Link:  http://s858.photobucket.com/albums/ab146/PurebloodSnake2/?action=view¤t=ZombieWalk09037edit.flv )

friends, halloween, zombies, local stuff

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