The good, the bad, and the I should have stayed in bed this morning

Sep 14, 2009 09:24

The people who work in the bookstore in my school are totally useless.  I picked up the wrong copy of a book I need (NEED) for my Japanese class.  When I went in this morning to return it I asked if they had the other copy in.  After telling me that it would be next to the other ones she proceeded to do nothing.  So I ask.  "Is there any chance there's a few in the back?"  To which she replied "I don't know."  Well that doesn't really help me.  She didn't even to bother checking if they were coming in.  Somehow in the matter of 1 minute she lost my refund receipt (Not that I need it anyway) and by then I was just done.  I told her I didn't need it and left.

I know you're tired but I'm tired too and I was able to think rationally enough to think of these options.

That aside, The good:  Lee's body is here.  A few days late but late is better than never.  Let's just hope the postal system isn't fully stupid and ruined the box.

The bad:  I'll be picking him up from the post office tonight because no one will be around (And if my sister is around she won't answer the door to make life a little easier)

Also, I'm sorry to anyone I disappeared on last night.  My computer had a hissy fit and shut itself off for no reason.  (I think it may have overheated a bit)

And finally, When I logged into LJ I noticed a lot of people are having a not great time with varying degrees of stress and upset.  I just want to say as a cumulative, I hope everything gets better for you.  It's rather impersonal to do a general message but I hope everything goes alright for you and things will get better.  I promise. ♥

Other than that I have to get back to taking notes, ciao

mail, life, bad days, rant, lee, school

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