Yay dollie things!

Jun 16, 2009 18:08

Dollmore and Sadol showed up today so Seth got his new outfit and Yukio's in the process of having his mods completed.  Thus I picspam Seth in his new clothes.  Yep, fairly image heavy.  (22 ish pics so for those with explosive computers you're forewarned).

Seth's outfit is the New Yorker (Green) from Sadol.

I dunno what it is but I really really like this picture o_O

I adore this and the one before it.  They're similar but I couldn't say which I liked more.

Again with this and the one before it.  They're similar but I couldn't decide which I liked more.  This is probably my favourite shot of the whole shoot though xD

AND!  Free Dollmore Stuff:

And the Free gift from Sadol which Ryo is currently wearing:

Overall it all looks good.  Yukio's pants and undies are being washed right now so that when his body comes he won't get stained and icky.

Back to finishing his mods now!

seth, clothes, dollmore, pictures, sadol, dolls

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