Gogo Photo Dump!

Jun 12, 2009 22:29

So today was a good day despite the nicely stressful in class essay test thing I had during Science Fiction today.  Got to hang out with a few friends I haven't seen in like forever and it was really nice to catch up.  I missed them ^^

We hung out at the Forks a bit.  After they left I went to get some Frozen Yogurt (which was delicious) and said hi to the student I tutored over the course of second semester.  She adores Eliza xD  Along with the Fro-yo I bought some broken waffle cones and went and sat outside to eat.  After a while a little bird landed near my feet and just kinda stared at me for a minute before hopping about and staring at me.  So finally I caved to his cute and tossed him a piece of broken cone and he took off with it before coming back with friends.  It was cute.  They stuck with me for a little while till some kid scared them away and then the area got busy.

After that I went and took a bunch of photos and then went home ^^  (after buying candy at the candy train of course xD)

Overall this is just a HUGE photodump of stuff from a whiiiile ago to recently.  Image heavy for those with computers that tend to explode.  Be forewarned.

Starting with the oldest stuff and working towards earlier.  There's more than this but it'll get tossed into another photo dump later on.  xD

And then Non-Dolls.  Some of this was in my backyard and some was at The Forks

This was just after most of the snow melted and the river flooded/was flooding.  It's going back down now but yeah.  If it says anything there's like two levels under that.

These flowers look like little stars.  Or maybe like...the cereal part of lucky charms lol

And then these are the birds I was talking about earlier.  It started with one and more followed.  It was cute x3

Om nom nom nom!

Yeah Birds are cute.  Thanks for looking at the photo dump xD

birds, sevin, eliza, smore, the forks, pictures, dolls

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