Blütenschweif und Orchidee (chp 5)

Apr 28, 2009 23:40

I'm tired.  Heading off to bed after this but I figured I'd post up chapter 5.  I'm working on chapter 6 I promise xD

Also, I'm sorry about any spelling/grammer errors in this.  I haven't had a chance to read it through about 10 times to nitpick everything yet.  I will eventually.

Gotta clean tomorrow.  And think up how to make a temporary coffee table lol

WARNING:  ...PLEASE do I even have to say it?  MANSEX.  HERE.  THERE IS.

Chapter 5: Flowers


Nils woke up slowly. He shifted and realized Everard was still holding him. He shifted again and blinked. Right. Everard had admitted his feelings. He curled up closer and sighed, feeling the arms around him hold him a bit closer. He smiled and sighed softly.

“Did you sleep well Nils?” Everard’s voice was soft. He was awake then.

“Ah…yeah…I did.” He blushed shyly as he was released a bit to sit up. He realized he was not wearing a shirt and began looking around for it. He picked it up and smiled a bit. “There…” He mumbled lightly as he slipped it on again.

Everard smiled as he watched Nils. “I’m sorry if I got too carried away. You know I would never do anything forceful on purpose right?”

“I know Everard.” Nils looked away, feeling a bit guilty. Everard loved him. No matter how he said it nothing made it seem any less bizarre to him. He felt a hand on his and looked back to Everard. “Huh?”

“I won’t rush you to make a decision Nils. I just needed you to know…I couldn’t hold it anymore. My heart was about to burst.” He watched Nils as he spoke. “I thought…I thought I would never see you again.”

The words made Nils blush darker. He cared so much…

Over breakfast Nils ate silently. He hadn’t been underfed but this was the most welcoming thing he could imagine, being here with Everard, eating breakfast. He looked up as Everard spoke.

“I went to your house, I guess it must have been not long after you left. I thought something was wrong because you’d left food by the fire. I was worried something awful had happened.”

Nils felt a painful twinge of guilt. Something awful had happened. He’d been kidnapped by a perverted demon vampire who abused his servant that he called a pet and not only that but he himself had nearly been used by the sex-fiend. If Noah hadn’t arrived…

“I looked around a lot for you. I had a weird feeling I was being watched the whole time I was out there. I don’t know how you can stay there Nils. I don’t care what you say I want you to come live with me. It’s not safe for you on your own.”

“Everard…” Nils spoke up finally.

“Nils please.”

“I can’t.”

There was a long silence. Everard sighed softly.

“Everard you know I can’t. I can’t work here, it wouldn’t be fair. And anyway it’s best if I stay where I am. I’m a curse…I learned that while I was away. That or I’m cursed. It doesn’t matter. It’ll just be bad.” He felt his eyes water a bit.
“Nils…” Everard leaned over and places a kiss against Nils’ forehead. He combed his fingers through his hair gently. “Please don’t cry…”

Nils moved to hug to Everard tightly, shaking a bit but more from guilt rather than nervousness now. He sighed as he felt Everard’s hand on his lower back. He knew what his friend wanted. He wondered how long he’d be able to resist. Maybe he should just give in and make Everard happy.

“Everard I-” He felt a chill up his spine suddenly. Something was wrong. He had the strangest feeling he was being watched. It was impossible, Klaus wouldn’t be out now would he? It was daylight. And he never came into town.

“Something wrong Nils?” Everard looked at him curiously.


“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”


“Everard if I go away for a long time again I’ll be in the forest. Deeper in it. But it’s best if you don’t come to find me. I know the safest route…it’s very dangerous in the forest…” He said quickly. If Klaus wasn’t here now he was coming.

Everard looked confused. He pulled Nils closer and rubbed his back, kissing his neck lightly. “Nils…if there’s something you need to tell me…or something you need help with…”

“No…I’m fine.” He half whispered. “You’re my best friend Everard. If anything ever happens to me…I want you to know that you’re the only person I’ve ever really felt comfortable with.” He clung tighter.

Everard knew something was wrong. He nodded slowly. “I love you Nils. I’ll do anything for you.” He nuzzled Nils lightly.

Nils nodded. “I can’t stay overnight again.” He said softly. But I’ll try to visit soon. Come see me when you can.” He said lightly. He closed his eyes.

Everard nodded. “Alright.” He rubbed their noses together lightly before kissing Nils, this time holding close and stroking his hair. Nils blushed, moving closer shyly, sure that Everard could likely feel his heart thudding.

Everard kissed down Nils’ neck slowly, licking his collarbone gently. His hands travelled up Nils’ shirt, teasing his nipples and tickling his ribs lightly. The smaller male gasped as he moved into the touches, moaning softly. “E-Everard….” He whispered lightly. “A-Ah-!”

More and more often his body was beginning to give into to these touches, from Everard now and from Klaus before. He let Everard remove his shirt again, feeling himself being guided against the table.

He felt Everard’s hands sliding down into his pants, his manhood standing as it was teased. He gasped, feeling his pants and undergarments being removed to make way for still clothed hips to be pressed against him. He groaned, tipping his head back. “E-Eve-”

Everard shed his shirt as he kissed Nils’ throat, pressing him against the table more. Would Nils really let him go so far? He felt Nils’ hand on his shoulders and proceeded.

He pulled his own pants off a moment later, pressing against Nils into a kiss. He felt Nils tense up at the feeling, unable to stop himself now. He pressed Nils down on the table, laying him out over the surface and crawled up over him. “Nils…”
“I’m scared.”

Everard nodded. “Then I won’t…”

“But you want to…”

“Doesn’t matter. Let me just help you.”

Nils nodded, blushing furiously as he felt Everard grasp his cock gently, moving his hand over it in a rhythmic motion. He shut his eyes, biting his thumb as he laid there. He arched his back panting softly.

Everard moved to put his lips on the tip, suckling lightly as he kept his hand going before licking the underside slowly. He paused to listen to Nils moan, loving the noise. He couldn’t help but wish he was moaning for a different reason, but perhaps in time.

Nils gasped, moaning loudly as he felt Everard’s mouth. He panted, arching his back. He was still not used to feeling these sorts of things. Klaus had clearly been trying to make him used to it but the once or twice was hardly enough. He moaned loudly, twisting a bit, unable to hold back. “A-Ah! E-Eve-!”

Everard moved quicker, wanting to make sure Nils felt pure pleasure. He knew it wasn’t long before Nils came. He could feel it. He took Nils deeper, sucking hard. Nils was so inexperienced, but for some reason it seemed like he knew the feeling already. It was impossible wasn’t it?

Nils came, gasping and arching his back. He stayed frozen for a moment before lowering himself and panting. He opened his eyes slowly, his cheeks deep red.

Everard looked up after a moment and stroked Nils’ hair with a smile. He couldn’t help but feel just slightly elated at the chance to have done something so intimate with Nils.

Nils blushed, laying there shyly. He was quiet for a while before smiling at Everard. He relaxed a bit and sighed, before sitting up and hugging Everard. He had to go soon.


It was dark. Dark and unnaturally cold for the time of year. Nils shivered as he walked up to his cabin. It was dark already so he was moving fast. He opened the door and shut it, lighting a candle by the door as he pulled off his coat. He sighed and looked around. It was so dark in the cabin at night. His feeble candle didn’t do much.

Fritz seemed on edge. Something felt out of place. He looked around briefly and noticed his bedroom door was open. He slipped inside, the hair standing on the back of his neck. There was something on his bed. A rose? He walked over and picked it up. “Ow.” He pulled his finger back, sticking it in his mouth. He frowned at the thorns on it and sighed, looking around. He noticed something else a little odd.

A trail of red petals was scattered over the floor. “What the…?” His eyes followed it out the door to his room, his feet following soon after. He looked around his cabin stopping when a shadow in the corner moved.

“Is someone there?”

Nils’ candle went out suddenly. “You left…” He voice was cold, slightly annoyed, and familiar.


“You smell like…someone…”

“Wh-What are you talking about? Klaus stop it…I’m sorry I left. I-I wanted to come home. I didn’t tell anyone I promise.” He stepped around looking for the taller male.

Nils felt a presence immediately behind him and yelped.

“Who have you been with Nils?”

“N-No one!”

“Don’t lie to me.”

“Klaus stop it!”

“I could simply go into the town and find him. I’m sure his blood will be-”

“Don’t! Don’t hurt him!”

“So you were with someone else.”

“N-Not like that! I was just with my friend! He’s my only friend! He’s taken care of me for as long as I can think…” He shook, looking nervous.

Klaus grabbed Nils and pulled him close. A bark met them. “Shut the beast up or I’ll kill him.”

“Fritz don’t! Please be quiet!” Nils pleaded with the canine.

Fritz became quiet, sensing the desperation. Nils shivered as he felt Klaus’ lips on his neck. He whimpered lightly and closed his eyes.

“Your blood…it’s so tempting Nils…”

“Please Klaus don’t…”
“No. Not tonight anyway. There’s something else…far more precious…” He pulled Nils close and smirked. Something far more tempting…” He smirked, looking at the rose in Nils’ hand.
Nils shook, confused. “K-Klaus….?” He felt himself being shoved into the bedroom again, his stomach jumping. “K-Klaus wait!”

“No Nils. I’m finished with this waiting.”

“Klaus please don’t!”

“Shut up!”

The room was silent for a moment before Klaus shoved Nils to the bed. He stared down at him with a pained expression. “You shouldn’t have run away. You’re going to be sorry for it now.” He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it to the floor. “You’ll be even more sorry if you’ve told anyone.”

“I haven’t! Klaus please believe me.”

“We’ll see about that.”


“Shut up Nils. Make this easier on yourself.”

Nils became quiet as he watched Klaus undress, tears streaking down his cheeks.

Klaus crawled over Nils, lacing their fingers and kissing Nils softly. “Stop crying Nils.”

“I-I can’t.” Nils’ voice was soft and frightened.

“I’m scared…”

Silence again as Klaus undressed Nils slowly, letting him lay naked beneath him.


“Because you’re going to hurt me. I swear Klaus I didn’t tell anyone. I just wanted to come home…”


“We’ll go home when it’s dark again.” Klaus frowned and moved off Nils, laying next to him, resting his hands under his head.

Nils shook, laying there upset. “But this is my home…”

Klaus leaned over, kissing Nils lightly. “Go to sleep.”

Nils blushed and laid there a moment, shutting his eyes before moving to curl up against Klaus, nodding off a moment later. Klaus sighed and looked out the window, watching the moon.

Blütenschweif und Orchidee

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