Blütenschweif und Orchidee

Apr 20, 2009 22:26

I've had some requests now to post this.  It's still in the works (I am a lazy ass).

SO HERE'S YOUR WARNING!  THIS CONTAINS MUCH GUY x GUY.  There is mansex.  More mansex and HEY GUESS WHAT!  Some Mansex.

If you don't like that I suggest you pass it by.

It's not epic or great or anything but I like it.  I'll get around to posting more chapters later.

The end.

Now without further ado:  (Under a cut for MANSEX)

Chapter 1: The cursed boy


Whispers followed the brunette down the street. A few children jeered and called out names. The brunette didn’t seem phased however. He kept his eyes straight ahead, watching the ground. He was used to the catcalls, the cruel words, the general and overall hatred. People in this town were not at all kind to cursed children and Nils Winter had been a cursed child since he’d been pushed from his mother’s womb.

After the deaths of his family during the fire in his home, leaving only Nils alive, he was banished from town to live on his own in exile. This was because people believed that he would only bring bad luck and poor fortune to the town., after all, he was a cursed child.

A stinging pain shot through Nils’ leg. A child, not more that five years old had run up and kicked him hard in the shin. Tears sprang to his eyes as he felt the pain and he groaned. “Fluch!!” She cried at him before running back to her mother and stuck out her tongue at him.

“I’m sorry….” Nils muttered before starting to walk again. He needed to get himself food at the only place that wouldn’t overcharge him, and the only reason they didn’t was because the owner, Everard, had liked Nils’ parents and had cared for Nils when his parents needed some help.

When he arrived that the shop he went in after pulling his hood down off his head. “Hello?”

“Is that you Nils?” called Everard.

“Yes it’s me. I’ve come to do my shopping again.”

“Alright, what do you need this time?”

“I think I’m going to shop for a month’s worth, maybe a month and a half. I don’t like having to come through the town…” He admitted softly. “I know I deserve it but I can’t help needing food too.”

“Now Nils, you know you’re not a curse….” He clapped a hand on Nils’ shoulder and led him around the shop. “Your mother would be sad to hear you talk like that.”

“I’m sorry…I’m such a disappointment…” Nils replied only to receive a swat on the head.

“What did I say?”


Everard sighed. “One day you’ll understand I think…But for now, let’s just get you the things you need. If I could deliver them I would but it’s more difficult that way.”

Nils shook his head and blushed. “Don’t go through that much trouble. I would feel bad.” He said as he scratched the back of his head. He didn’t like for anyone to go out of their way for him. It made him feel awkward and guilty. It wasn’t much of a problem since Everard was the only one who really would go out of his way for Nils, but even still it made him uncomfortable all the same. The shopkeeper was always trying to help him out a bit, give him free food, anything, but Nils would not accept it. He had all the money he needed from his family inheritance which was the only positive thing in his life.

“Hey, I’m not just obligated to go outta my way for you Nils, I want to. I care about you and if I had it my way you’d be living with me, but you’re not allowed to live in town because of that ridiculous belief.” He watched Nils face fall even more. “Hey, quit moping.” He put a hand on the younger male’s head and watched him as the tears filled Nils’ eyes. “Nils…”

Everard led the younger male into the back room where no one could see them. The windows in the shop weren’t great but people could still see through them. He closed the door to the back room and as always Nils burst into tears. He tried his best not to cry but the way Everard cared for him was almost too much. He felt the shopkeeper wrap his arms around his own frail body as the tears flowed freely down his cheeks. “Oh Nils…You’re not a bad person. None of this is your fault.” Everard whispered lightly before just letting the young man fall into sobs in his arms.

They stayed like that for quite some time. When Nils had finally calmed a bit he yawned and bundled himself close in Everard’s arms. He closed his eyes and sighed. “Thank you for everything. I don’t deserve it but thank you.” He mumbled as he felt himself nodding off.

“Don’t feel the need to thank me. You have every right to this sort of care. I promise you I’ll visit you soon alright? I’ll bring some things and make your cabin more comfortable alright?”

“You don’t have to do that…” Nils murmured before slowly but surely falling asleep.


It was a long day, and yet the very princely looking, pale man could not sleep. It was a perfect time to as well and yet he just could not find the will to hide away in his dark room, no matter how tired and irritable he’d be later. “Franz, come to me.” He said in his husky voice. It appeared he spoke to no one but soon a young looking male, probably no older than nineteen, obviously frightened, appeared in the doorway wearing a pair of black pants and a chain around his neck. Franz was this mysterious man’s pet. “Step forward Franz, I won’t hurt you.” He said softly. “I am just bored, and I would enjoy some company at the moment.”

“Yes Master.” Franz whispered meekly as he stepped closer and knelt down. He placed his head and right hand on his master’s lap. Soon a pale hand with slender fingers was sliding over Franz’s hair slowly.

“You are a good pet.” The husky voice had a way of sounding almost musical at times. Franz purred at this sound. “You serve me well and it is much appreciated. What can I give you as a reward? You may ask for one thing.”

Franz looked excited at this idea. “Master, I would like very much to be able to speak your name as well instead of just ‘Master‘.” He said in his soft voice. “It would make me very happy.”

“It is granted.” He said as he continued to run his fingertips over Franz’s soft hair.

“Thank you very much Master Klaus.”

“Enjoy this freedom that I give you Franz. You are a good pet and therefore you are rewarded. Continue to be good and I will continue to reward you. But should you misbehave I shall begin to take away your freedoms as well. Is this understood?” Klaus asked him softly as he looked down.

“Yes Master Klaus. I understand this. I will be a good Franz. I only wish to please you.” He said very happily. “I promise that I will always do as you say and never question you Master Klaus. I am very privileged to have such a kind Master.”

“Good boy.” He lifted the boy with ease into his lap. “Show your Master how much you appreciate his gift to you.” He said softly.

Franz nodded and moved in to Klaus, using his delicate pink tongue to lick Klaus’ lips slowly. Klaus was fairly impatient on this point however and only a second later mingled their tongues slowly. He pulled Franz into a kiss and Franz whimpered lightly into Klaus‘ mouth. There was no denying he enjoyed his master’s affections like this, even if he had no choice on the matter. He would have chosen this as well.

Klaus let his hands roam down the hips of his pet, and slipped his hands into the pants covering Franz’s lower body with ease. Franz made a small moan as he felt one cold hand close around his cock. He squirmed on his master’s lap only to receive a small bite on his lip. Klaus didn’t like when Franz tried to move away from him and he knew when he was trying to as he could feel him moving slowly backwards. Franz had never been comfortable with the way that Klaus was like for such intimate moments. He enjoyed the small affections, kisses, gentle touches, but Klaus would always want to go further. And even though he knew he had no choice, he never liked it.

“Behave yourself.” Klaus growled lightly. “Remember the conversation we just had.” He reminded.

“I am sorry Master Klaus. You have rewarded me and I am being a bad boy.” He said nervously. “I will behave better Master. I promise you.” He said as he looked down nervously and felt Klaus’ other hand rest on top of his head. He blushed lightly as he felt the kiss again and he closed his eyes, moaning as he felt his Master’s hand slip to the underside of his cock and slide along slowly.

Klaus’s free hand was swift in removing the pants covering Franz’s lower body as his lips and tongue danced down over his pet’s chest. He stopped to pay attention to one of Franz’s nipples, suckling it gently. Franz moaned and placed his hands on his Master’s neck slowly. He could tell that his Master wanted him to begin to undress him. He stalled that as long as he could though, moaning, gasping, whimpering, making all the noises Klaus enjoyed to hear.

“Franz, you should not be distracting me from what I want.” He said firmly. “You know what you are supposed to do.” He frowned a bit and Franz nodded slowly.

“Yes Master, I am sorry Master. I should have done such a thing when I noticed it was time.” He said apologetically. His hands moved to the laces of Klaus’ shirt and untied them, trying to stay focused as he felt his Master close his hand around the erection that had grown between his legs. He blushed, feeling foolish that he could get so flustered over such a thing but he couldn’t help it. As much as he disliked being forced into sex when all he’d prefer to do is to cuddle or curl up close, he could not deny that the feeling was indescribable.

When his hands moved down to the bottoms his master wore he looked into his eyes. “I really do mean to please you Master Klaus. I-I just…I get scared…sometimes. I sometimes wish that I could just cuddle up close with you. I know it is too bold for me to ask such a thing but…perhaps may we just cuddle next time?”

“I will tell you when it is time to know.” He said as he touched their noses. “But right now you won’t say anything else on the matter and you will do as you’re told.” He said as he shifted in his chair for Franz to slip the pants off and onto the floor. “Alright?”

“Yes Master. I will give you the pleasure you desire.” He said as he blushed lightly. He looked down at his Master’s erection. He only blushed a deeper shade of red at the sight of it. His Master was well endowed to say the least. He slipped down off Klaus’ lap, feeling his own cock being released on the way.

He slipped to kneel between Klaus’ legs, his master’s hand resting on top of his head lightly. He took a deep breath to calm himself before moving his tongue along the erection in front of him. He heard Klaus groan lightly when he felt his pet obey his want and he smiled. “Good boy. But you should be a bit less shy. You’ve done this before and you know that I don’t like when you are shy or slow with this.” He said as he shifted his hips. “Do it properly.”

Franz only nodded and took a loose hold of Klaus’ erection, putting his mouth over the head slowly. He heard his Master groan again, more approving this time. “That’s a good boy.” He muttered quietly before Franz moved to take more of his Master’s cock into his mouth, beginning to move his mouth back and forth over the warm length.

Klaus gripped Franz’s hair slightly as he tipped his head back. “Mmm…” He managed as he shut his eyes. “That’s right. That’s very good.”

He bucked his hips once, causing Franz to cough. “Ah, sorry my pet. That was my fault.” He said softly, loosening his grip on his pet’s hair to pet it slowly. Franz made a noise that cause gentle vibrations down Klaus’ erection in a response. Klaus smiled and placed his hand on the back of his pet’s neck and Franz blushed as he knew what was coming. He was not going deep enough for his master’s liking. Even still he’d resist this, if he was lucky he’d be able to say that he was surprised at it, though he was sure he wouldn’t get away with it.

He felt his head jerk forward suddenly as he’d been lost in his thoughts. He coughed and gagged slightly but caught himself before pulling back and regained his senses. He moved his mouth down as far as he could along his Master’s throbbing member without being in danger of gagging again. Klaus moaned lowly, in an almost carnal way. He could feel himself losing more and more control. He could feel his pet’s actions perfectly. It wouldn’t be too much longer at this rate. However this was not the way he wanted to reach his point of ecstasy. He grabbed Franz by the chain collar and dragged him off his cock gently.

“Get down on your hands and knees pet.” He instructed him with a low growl. The way he took Franz varied with his mood. At this point, he was slightly annoyed with Franz for being out of line a few times and just wanted what he’d originally wanted and that was pleasure.

“Y-Yes Master.” Franz did as he was told, not wanting to anger Klaus again. He wanted him to at least be fairly gently with him. He didn’t like having to crawl back to his room in the end, unable to stand.

Franz knelt there waiting, shaking nervously, as he heard his master leave his chair and knelt down behind him. He shut his eyes tightly as he felt his master’s hard cock nudging his rear slightly. He felt nervous tickles in his stomach as he felt Klaus’ hands rest on his hips. He was unsure what the result would be. He prayed that he would be gentle. He could feel tears in his eyes and a lump welling in his throat. He had the fear that he would not get through this easily but to his own surprise Klaus pushed in slowly, being gentle.

Franz gasped and loosened his body a bit. He had been tensed up very tightly as he had been braced. Instead he had to loosen his body, letting his master push in as far as he could. He moaned in desperation. It felt so good for him even though pain shot through his body as well.

It didn’t take long for Franz’s arms to give way so that he had to hold himself up on his elbows. “M-Master…I-it feels so good….” he whimpered out slightly. “You are so kind to me.” He managed through gasping breaths.

“No more talking….J-Just let me hear you moan. That’s how you will t-tell me.” He stumbled a little over his own words as he thrust slowly. “But no other words.” He said as he quickened the pace of his thrusts causing Franz to moan again in desperation. Klaus reached one of his hands around to grasp Franz’s cock and begin to pump it in time with his quickening pace.

A moment later Franz let go, spilling his seed onto the floor and Klaus’ hand. It took Klaus only two thrusts more before he felt his release. He groaned as he shuddered once in ecstasy and stopped. He slipped himself out of Franz and sat back gasping slightly as he watched his pet curl up on the floor, shivering.

After a moment of silence and shaking, Franz sat up weakly. “I hope I have pleased you Master Klaus.” He said, still catching his breath. He crawled forward and pressed his lips to Klaus’ slowly.

Klaus nodded and kissed back. “Yes you did my pet.”

“I shall return to my room then Master. I bid you goodnight.” He collected his pants and lifted his body heavily off the floor, making his way to the door slowly. He was stopped, however, by his Master’s embrace from behind.

“You will not return to your room tonight.” he murmured into his ear. “Tonight you will accompany me in my bed, I will grant your request.” He kissed his neck and up to his earlobe which he suckled gently.

“M-Master, you are too kind to me!” He said quickly. “I-It is too much for-” He was cut off by Klaus’ fingertips which rested lightly over his lips. For a moment they stood like that. Soon Klaus moved his hand and Franz nodded. “Thank you so much Master Klaus.”

After a short walk, Franz and Klaus both lay in the large, soft, comfortable bed. Franz was pressed closely to Klaus, protected by his Master’s arms which were so strong and safe feeling. Klaus touched his lips to Franz’s forehead lightly before he smiled. “Sleep well. We will speak again when the moon rises.” He whispered. Franz nodded and soon fell into a comfortable sleep.


Nils woke up later looking tired and confused. He was alone in the back room where he was curled up on a pile of blankets and covered by a rather soft blanket. He shifted and sat up again slowly, coughing once before scratching his head. “Oh…I must have fallen asleep here…” He mumbled softly as he looked around. It was so comfortable back here, for a sort of storage room.

He heard the door open and spun around quickly, seeing Everard standing there, checking up on him. “Oh, you’re awake.” he smiled and moved back to sit with him. “How are you feeling now?”

“Much better, thank you very much.” Nils replied with a bright smile.

“Ah! There’s the smile I wanted!” He smiled and placed his hand on Nils’ cheek lightly. “I like when you’re smiling.” He said softly as he watched Nils.

“You always make me smile.” He said laughing softly. “You make me feel better all the time.” He explained. “Even if it turns out I am a curse, you’ll always be able to make me feel better. Although, if I am I don’t think you’ll want to spend any time with me.”

“Nils you are not cursed.” He sighed. “How many times do I have to tell you that?”

“Sorry, it’s just I-”

“No Nils, you’re not. You’re not a curse. You know better than that. Those things that happened were coincidence and nothing more.” He said firmly. “If you count all the bad things that happen to everyone in this world, you’d think everyone was cursed!”

Nils blushed. “You’re too kind to me…”

“No I’m not. You deserve to be treated well and you should stand up for yourself. If you did, maybe they wouldn’t have driven you out of town.”

“You know I can’t. They would have found a way to kill me in my sleep.” He mumbled softly. “I’m sorry. You only try to make me feel better and I just don’t help at all.” He sighed and hugged the blanket around himself tighter.

“Nils…you just need more confidence.” He said softly. “Everything will be alright.”

After a moment of silence had passed Everard put a hand on Nils’ shoulder and smiled. “Come on, I have something for you.” He said smiling softly.

Nils blushed and got up, following him slowly and shyly. “What is it?” He asked curiously. He always got excited when Everard gave him things. He felt guilty that he couldn’t give him anything in return but he enjoyed being thought of.

“You’ll see.” The shopkeeper smiled softly as he led the boy into a different part of the store. There was little light in this room but Nils liked it anyway, it was a cozy feeling. He looked around, trying to locate his present but could not see what it was.

“Close your eyes.” Everard instructed and Nils’ eyes shut obediently. “No peeking.”

After a moment a fuzzy something that moved was placed into Nils’ arms. He squeaked and opened his eyes suddenly, his squeak greeted by a small bark. Sitting excitedly in his arms was a small brown puppy. Everard laughed as he saw Nils’ expression. It was a mixture of shock, and confusion. He looked to him and blushed. “F-For me?”

“Yes, for you.” He said with a smile. “You need a companion, living out there all by yourself. And since I can’t come live with you I guess he’ll have to do for now. What will you name him?”

Nils thought for a moment as he looked at the puppy, panting happily in his arms. He looked up to Everard after a moment and smiled. “Fritz!” He said smiling. “He reminds me of a Fritz.” He said as he petted the puppy happily. It was the most he’d smiled in a long time.

“I’ve packed you a few things extra for him. No charge, alright?” Everard said as he also stroked the puppy’s ears. “And I’ve got kind of another part for you.” He handed him two blankets. “One for him, one for you.” He said as he smiled. “They’re soft and warm, since the winter is coming.”

Nils blushed and nodded. “Thank you so much for everything. You really do spoil me too much…” He said as he hugged the puppy. He let it down a moment later and it sat down, almost on his foot. He smiled at it.

A few minutes later, Nils was ready to leave again. “Please feel free to come by anytime.” Everard said as he smiled at him. Before Nils stepped out the door, the shopkeeper gathered him into his arms and held him a moment. “Stay out of trouble, and if you ever need help, at all, come to me.” He said softly. “I’ve known you for a long time and I really care about you.” He added softly. This made Nils nervous. He had never seen his friend act this way before. He nodded and as he did he felt Everard’s lips touch his cheek softly. He blushed and felt a nervous twinge in his stomach.

The stood like that a little longer before Nils was released and things went back to normal. “Keep safe.” Everard wished him before opening the door for him. “I’ll come visit soon.”

Nils nodded. “Alright, please take care of yourself.” He said softly. “I will see you soon. And really, Thank you for everything.” He said softly before stepping out of the door and off into the now dark streets to make his way home, to his cabin in the forest.

Blütenschweif und Orchidee

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