x333 Yay!

Apr 15, 2009 03:34

Eliza's here~!  I'm excited!  I already flailed on DA/DOA but here goes~

Pictures of the opening and her new faceup :3

First gold box!!!!!

Bubblewrap Mummy~~~

Her faceup.  She was really pretty but this definitely didn't suit her at all.  xD;  Her previous owner had a very very different character for her it seems lol

Aaaand Her new faceup:  :3

It's likely temporary for now but I do like it ^^  I like her x3 And I'm flailing over her like crazy x33333

The green eyes she came with are likely gonna be sold.  I have no need for them xD;;;  I like them but I don't need them xD;

Thanks for looking~~

eliza, box opening, pictures, dolls

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