So yeah

Apr 03, 2009 21:54

Most definitely glad I have a new job.  I'm most definitely done with Smitty's.  I'm not at all happy with the way tonight went -_-.

Yeah I have a sprained ankle and one girl got all bitchy when they were going to let me go before her.  Yeah I get that you're tired and that you've been there longest.  But don't go all pissy just because you got asked to stay a bit longer so that I didn't have to be on my feet as long.

And why didn't I get someone else to work for me?  Because I hardly get any shifts there as is.  I'm not giving up the few I have when I CAN walk, just slowly.


Now.  Moving on.  To all who know.  SQUEEEEEE  To all who don't.   ....SQUEEEE

I think by this point everyone knows unintentionally.

*awaits the mystery seaweed, preparing the SDF just in case*

(Seaweed Defense Force)

seaweed, rant, pain, work

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