Christmas Party ftw (non dollie related post)

Dec 22, 2008 13:49

Wow, it's been a while since I went to a company christmas party.  This was definitely different.  First off we all met in the lounge at work.  The bus came to get us around 7pm.  It was an old school bus.  xD  We blasted some music the drunk got drunker and so on.  We went out to this farm and by the time we got there it was dark.  We went on a horse drawn sleigh ride, hung out in their little clubhouse sorta deal which was really nice.  There was a bonfire, food everything.  It wasn't the typical christmas party but what could be better than hanging out with a bunch of the fun co-workers and singing at the top of your lungs to 80's music?

Oh yes.  And if it says anything this is the music we STARTED with last night:

image Click to view

Yes.  Nothing could be better xD

By the end of the night we were all fairly cold for a bit and we were all having fun.  (Drunk co-workers are a riot sometimes xD)

I didn't drink all that much personally but it was fun.

♪You spin me right round baby right round♪

80's music, christmas party, weird, christmas, meatspin, drunk, work

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