
May 09, 2009 20:53

[the communicator falls and the voice post option is activated as a result. There's the sound of someone waking up slowly before suddenly coughing as the sharp taste of cinnamon registers]

... Wha-?! This isn't Yuuko-san's sho- GYAAAAAA!!!

[obviously, someone's not taking well to the changes]

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[Audio] sleepingtwin May 10 2009, 04:02:47 UTC
[Pinged by "Yuuko".]

... Do you know Yuuko-san?


[Audio] blueeyedprophet May 10 2009, 04:04:40 UTC

[looks around to try and locate the voice] Aaah, yes! With the shop and- oh! So this is where it's coming from...

Um, I mean, yes. [oh wait] Is this... a dream again?


[Audio] sleepingtwin May 10 2009, 04:06:20 UTC
I'm afraid you're not in her shop any longer. Nor are you in a dream.


[Audio] blueeyedprophet May 10 2009, 04:08:22 UTC
I can sort of tell this isn't her Shop. But if this isn't a dream...


[Audio] sleepingtwin May 10 2009, 04:11:19 UTC
I'm afraid you really are here.


[Audio] blueeyedprophet May 10 2009, 04:56:15 UTC
... Haruka-san, this isn't very funny.

Um... Okay then. I guess... I should introduce myself? Or... where is 'here' exactly?


[Audio] sleepingtwin May 10 2009, 04:58:14 UTC
Ah! My name is Subaru.

I'm afraid I don't know where we are myself.


[Audio] blueeyedprophet May 11 2009, 02:59:08 UTC
Watanuki Kimihiro, it's nice to meet you, Subaru-san.

... Eh? Well... Hmmm, now what? Another world, I guess? [muttermutter]


[Audio] sleepingtwin May 11 2009, 03:00:23 UTC
It's nice to meet you too, Watanuki-san.

... It does seem that way.


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