Apr 25, 2005 03:42
Oh how a year has flown by……
Oh my god! I was sitting in my office making copies around 9 o’clock for class, when I realized that a year ago at that same time; I was in a hot tube in St. Augustine with some of the best friends anyone could want.
Shortly there after I walked across that stage, said my goodbyes had lunch at the Columbia and packed up all my stuff into one little U-haul and made a five hour journey to my hometown. There I spent the following six weeks bored with the exception of visiting Melissa in New York and a quick trip out to Seattle.
June 20th arrives and I pack my entire life, except for two suite cases into my VUE, I get on a plane and head to California to work for the following seven weeks. That was totally two months of randomness and some sad times, now that I look back it. Oh, well.
August 7th arrives; I shut down CTY, and board a plane at 10 p.m. and make that transcontinental red-eye to good ole Buffalo, New York to start a new life. What a world wind of actives it has been up here.
I basically loose all semblance of a life, I turn in my Friday and Saturday nights at Metro to Friday and Saturday nights on the couch reading, watching TV, or playing online. I finally find a boy, who I have fallen for, and fallen hard. However, he is not sure what he wants. I ask point blank questions and I get nowhere.
His friends tell him he is dumb to let me go, and ask me to hold out for just a little bit longer. On the other hand my friends tell me I am dumb for still hanging on, and just pick up and move on. Well, once and for all, this is what I have decided to do. As many of you know, I have been offered and accepted a position this summer at New School University. Well, in 27 days a board a plane.
And in 27 days it will be with a boyfriend, or a closed chapter. And that is finally. No, more, Jordan C. Ross, does not wait forever!
Oh, what a year it has been…… Sometimes going where the money is, isn’t always the best option. Who, that I would have every said that. Oh, well, live is full of learning experiences, and this is one experience that I will take with me forever.