flipskate151: flipskate151: omg omg omg omg
Bloodredandwine: what
Bloodredandwine: ????
flipskate151: i met liz!
Bloodredandwine: REALLY!?
Bloodredandwine: haha awesome
flipskate151: ya she is soooooo awesome
flipskate151: i think im in love
Bloodredandwine: awwwww
Bloodredandwine: dude what did u do??
Bloodredandwine: what happen
Bloodredandwine: gimme deatails
flipskate151: no im not becuase you wanna know so bad
Bloodredandwine: ok fine
flipskate151: just kidding
flipskate151: omg we hung out all day y
flipskate151: Bloodredandwine: dope
flipskate151: she came over after getting lost on the way to my house and she parked in my grass and then got out and locked her keyes in the
flipskate151: car
flipskate151: then we hung out for an hour waiting for tripple A and we played halo
Bloodredandwine: haha dayum
flipskate151: then mullet guy unlocked her car and we went to busch gardens
flipskate151: got on stuff and kissed during katonga and she got a pink butterfly
flipskate151: then we went to splinter skatepark for like an our
flipskate151: then we went to charlies and she hurd us play
flipskate151: and then we went to print directions to get to her house again
flipskate151: then i kooldnt let her leave and she didnt wanna
flipskate151: like she sed by that sat on my bed and we made out
Bloodredandwine: awwwwww
flipskate151: then we went to the door
Bloodredandwine: dude thats so rad
flipskate151: we made out
flipskate151: the we got in the car
flipskate151: we made out
flipskate151: she started pullin away
flipskate151: we made otu
flipskate151: she tried again
flipskate151: we made out
flipskate151: one more time
flipskate151: in the middle of the street we made made out through the window
Bloodredandwine: whoa
Bloodredandwine: dayum
Bloodredandwine: yall like need to date
flipskate151: i know
flipskate151: i got bite them big lips
flipskate151: ;-)
Bloodredandwine: haha lucky
flipskate151: o man she is the best i swear it
Bloodredandwine: does she feel the same way?
http://www.livejournal.com/users/blueeyedlizzard/flipskate151: look
Bloodredandwine: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Bloodredandwine: thats love right der
flipskate151: i know man
flipskate151: now im blushing
BlNdFlMnGLz1: next time i see you.. im tackling you... and your getting the BIGGEST MOST HUGANGOUS KISS EVER!
flipskate151: SAWEET
BlNdFlMnGLz1: like... awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
BlNdFlMnGLz1: your so sweet
BlNdFlMnGLz1: idk wat to say... you win
BlNdFlMnGLz1: +68385196198484000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000+7434619646841+61384+651264321
BlNdFlMnGLz1: 35+
BlNdFlMnGLz1: 5264
BlNdFlMnGLz1: +1
BlNdFlMnGLz1: points for you
BlNdFlMnGLz1: you win
BlNdFlMnGLz1: your the champ
BlNdFlMnGLz1: lol
flipskate151: thats a lot of points
BlNdFlMnGLz1: b/c.. your the WINNIER!!!!
BlNdFlMnGLz1: aw
flipskate151: you dont understand ive been on fire like all day becuase i was so happy that i got to see you
BlNdFlMnGLz1: i couldnt sit still in church... i got kicked out...
BlNdFlMnGLz1: lol
flipskate151: lol
BlNdFlMnGLz1: like.. i was humming some song from katango, and i was twichtching my leg, and i was fiddling w/ stuff and i was thinking about you and i was just... a mess..
BlNdFlMnGLz1: lol
flipskate151: o my god
flipskate151: like nothing matters all im worried about is when it can happen again
flipskate151: but im defintely thinkin about somethin reallly hard right now
BlNdFlMnGLz1: um..... is this a penis joke?
flipskate151: i just told my mom that we go out and she said "ya i saw that comin... you dont lock your keyes in the car for just anybody"
BlNdFlMnGLz1: no....
BlNdFlMnGLz1: i was SOOOO encredibly embarrassed
BlNdFlMnGLz1: like.. .mortified
BlNdFlMnGLz1: b/c.. that's not the way that i had imagined meeting your mom
flipskate151: lol
flipskate151: she thought it was funny
BlNdFlMnGLz1: i imagined it going alot smoother
BlNdFlMnGLz1: woa.. wait...
BlNdFlMnGLz1: we're dating now?
flipskate151: Well you sed yes in caps
flipskate151: and i said we shoold go out
BlNdFlMnGLz1: o
BlNdFlMnGLz1: ok
BlNdFlMnGLz1: that'll work
flipskate151: i mean if were not then clue me in
flipskate151: so are we
BlNdFlMnGLz1: sure.. why not..
BlNdFlMnGLz1: lol
flipskate151: ok
flipskate151: its official
flipskate151: we date
flipskate151: ya cuz were cool like that