A flisty thank you

Aug 05, 2011 15:12

Massive thanks to pippi for the paid user time! Seriously thank you so so much!!!*hugs*

Giant thanks also to cyndrarae for the yummy V-Gift! (LJ won't let me type your name properly *shakes fist at LJ*)

cyndrarae  and devon99 thank you both so much for the gorgeous gifts that came
through the post (Sairah, the Smurf lurves his book) - you girls made me teary-eyed and I love you lots! I reckon we need a meet-up, with beer/wine/beverage of your choice so I can give you a real hug.

And Moose-sized thanks to bflyw, moviegeek03  pkg8416 for the lovely birthday wishes. Not forgetting the lovely ace_p and Cherry916 (LJ is having a tantrum and won't let me put your names in correctly iiiieeee)

Gawd I hope I didn't forget anyone, if I did you have permission to give me a papercut and then pour lemon juice on it.

32 is treating me well so far. Just nipped to a funfair at a local park with Ryan, the Smurf is only four but he was wayyyy braver than me on the rides which has lead me to this conclusion: older = wussier.


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