BIG BANG 2011 Weird Science - Part One

Jun 17, 2011 04:30

Part One (In the beginning, there was Chad)

Jensen Ackles is an outcast and not afraid to admit it.

In fact, he's grown to accept the label and prefers it to the many others he's been saddled with at his school-Shermer High.

Life wasn't always like this for Jensen.

When he was fifteen, he had plenty of friends and a reasonably decent social-life until he made a fatal error. A misguided decision to come out as gay to the wrong person, and things pretty much went downhill at high speed from there.

Jensen dropped the gay-bombshell on Tom Welling, one of his former closest friends. Tom could be a dick sometimes, Jensen knew that but he never realized just how much until he found out that Tom was a dick and something of a homophobe.

Tom started to spread rumors around school, letting his mouth run wild with lies. Saying nasty shit, like how seeing that Jensen was an ass muncher now he totally perved on the other guys in the shower room after football practice, oogling them as they towel dried their junk.

Which was bullshit, since Jensen was generally way too preoccupied with towel drying his own junk.

Not everyone at Shermer gave a crap about Jensen Ackles being gay but Tom hammered the final nail in the coffin when he started saying that Jensen had made unwanted advances on him.

It wasn't true of course-Jensen has way better taste.

But Jensen didn't have the strength of will to fight the rumor mill anymore. It was simply one battle too many.

And that's how Jensen came to accept his position at the bottom of the Shermer High totem pole.

Flash-forward three years and Jensen doesn't even care that much about being exiled from the in-crowd anymore because if he's honest, being an outcast isn't all bad.

Generally it means he can be smart in class without feeling like a suck-up, he can wear what he wants without obsessing over his body-image and even if he does get bullied from time to time, nobody expects him to put up much of a fight so the bullies tend to lose interest quickly. Typically within five minutes of having squished him in a trachea-squeezing head-lock.

The down side is that Jensen's lonely.

He still has his best-friend since kindergarten, Chad Michael Murray, who he hangs out with after school and at the weekends but Chad can't fill the gaping void in Jensen's life. Jensen thinks that having Chad around is akin to having a pet dog, he might be loyal but he thinks nothing of breaking wind in public and scratching at his balls all the damn time.

Still, Chad never bails on an invite to watch reruns of Family Guy and he always knows the best place to order pizza from-he has his uses.

Jensen's a devoted player of World of Warcraft and a member of several clubs (The Church of Doctor Spock Worship, The Official Doctor Who Fan Club and The Official LARP for Lord of The Rings) which keep his free-time fairly occupied but he wants, needs, more.

What he craves is a boyfriend.

Jensen might only be eighteen-years-old but he knows what he needs out of life and he desperately needs someone to love, and to love him-Mama Ackles not included. Jensen's a cynic by nature but getting a boyfriend is the one thing he remains stubbornly optimistic about.

Despite the problems it's caused him, being gay isn't something that Jensen allows to be an issue in his life. He's learned to embrace his preference for dick.

His mom has made it clear on more than one occasion that she wants nothing more than for her youngest son to be happy. His little sister, Mackenzie, is overjoyed at having someone to share her pop star crushes with. Big brother Josh isn't really all that interested-providing Jensen doesn't declare a love for the Giants anytime soon he can put on a black leotard and dance around to Beyonce every single day of the week for all he cares. And Jensen's dad? Well, Alan Ackles is proud his son has the balls to follow his heart.

Jensen's not too ashamed to admit, he has one heck of an awesome family.


The most important thing in Jensen's life at the moment is Project Jared. A special mission Jensen set himself almost a year ago to use his computer to create the perfect boyfriend.

Jared started out life as nothing more than a pencil sketch, a drawing Jensen did in the back of his text book in biology class. Too distracted to focus on the lesson, Jensen watched with growing enchantment as the graphite lines of his pencil swept across the page, adding shading and subtle details to the design of a face. A face, Jensen was to become completely and utterly smitten with. A face he named, Jared.

The name fit the Adonis in Jensen's drawing as though it had always been destined to.

Jared and Jensen.

Jensen liked the sound of it on his tongue, the way their names wove together. Of course, he slapped himself for being so soppy but it was already too late. He was hung up on Jared and he knew it.

Jared quickly became Jensen's way to escape the waking nightmare that is high school life.

Whenever he feels miserable, Jensen daydreams about Jared. Thinking up what Jared's different personality traits could be. The larger than life, fun loving guy who fulfils all of his fantasies.

In his head Jensen imagines that Jared likes riding rollercoasters until he's nauseous, that he loves pistachio ice-cream and vanilla lattes and isn't afraid to cry or say whatever's on his mind.

Most of all, Jensen imagines what it would be like if Jared were his boyfriend and all the wonderful things that would entail.

But Jensen knows that daydreams are for kids and one day, he'll have to grow up and accept that in real life, for people like him, dreams simply don't come true.


It's Monday morning and Jensen is at school. It's his least favorite day of the week, Monday officially sucks big blue balls. Jensen is overtired from staying up late last night working on Jared. He has a headache, he's pissed off and it's barely 9AM.

Fiddling ineffectively with the combination on his locker door, Jensen swears a string of expletives when the lock jams and he can't get to his books.

"Need some help, Jenny?"

Jensen freezes, it's Tom Welling-his arch nemesis. Or at least that's what Tom would be if he and Jensen were anywhere near close to sharing the same social status at Shermer High these days.

In actual fact, Tom is King while Jensen is disregarded as the lowly pile of shit Tom stepped in while parading around the school hallways in his prestigious varsity football jacket.

"Nah, I got it." Jensen lies through his teeth.

"Cool, only I like to try and save one damsel in distress a day and I thought you could help me meet my quota." Tom gives Jensen a hard shove in the back that sends his forehead into an unwelcome up close and personal encounter with his locker door.

Jensen's ears are ringing as Tom walks away but he swears he can still hear the fucker laughing.

"Why'd you let him push you around like that?" Chad asks, appearing just in the nick of time.


"Have you seen the size of him? Tom makes Dwayne Johnson look like Verne Troyer. He's the school hero, I may as well face up to it now that I'm never going to be anything more than Tom Welling's doormat."

"We're not in junior high anymore, Jensen. You could totally take him down. Tom's only popular because he beats up anyone who says otherwise. You could be just as popular if you only had a little faith in yourself. And anyway," Chad says, lowering his voice to a whisper. "You're way prettier than he is."

Jensen shakes his head in disagreement but he's smiling now and his forehead doesn't even ache all that badly anymore. "Thanks dumbass, now will you open my locker for me? I'm going to be late for class."

"Seriously? You can't get it to open again?"

Chad pushes Jensen out of the way so that he is standing in front of the locker and honestly it seems like he does nothing more than stare at the fucking thing for it to swing wide open. Jensen is convinced his locker has a personal vendetta against him. Maybe it doesn't like the fact that he hides all his gay porn DVDs in there to try and ensure his mom never finds them, hell who knows.

"Catch you later, and dude," Chad says, already starting to walk away down the corridor. "Don't go thinking that just because I called you pretty I check you out because as you know I only have eyes for two things. Sophia Bush's boobs."

Jensen flicks his friend the bird and hurries off to class. He doesn't waste any time wondering whether Chad might be right. That he could actually be something special, something more than just a loser.

When Jensen looks at himself in the mirror all he sees is someone who was never meant to be a winner in life, someone duty bound to always place last. Plenty of people have told Jensen that he's good-looking before, in that if only you made more effort with yourself you'd see it too way but Jensen doesn't see it. He can't.

If he can keep pull off decent grades in his classes, in a few more months he can leave Shermer High far behind him and maybe things will be different, better, at college but for now he's stuck here at Shermer. Where his name will forever be linked to loserdom and his only real friend is Chad. A guy equally as tarnished by rejection-but for Chad it's not about being gay and more about just being Chad.

Being a teenager is hard but then, that's not new news to Jensen.



Jensen groans when he hears his mom shouting him to come downstairs for dinner. The groan is for two very good reasons, one being that his mom's cooking tastes like reheated ass and two because Jensen's project is at the critical stage of almost completion. Suffice to say, being dragged away from his computer, Jensen skulks downstairs with a face like thunder.

"How was school today, honey?" Donna asks, cutting another piece of what looks like genetically altered meatloaf and sliding it onto her son's plate.

Jensen loves his mom, he really does but her cooking seriously stinks. She's been teaching herself the art of fine cuisine for almost three years and the results never seem to get better. Her food isn't just bad; it's bad enough to make you gag. Sometimes, it's even gag-worthy enough to bring tears to your eyes, especially the one time she cremated Mackenzie's birthday cake and everyone still had to risk death by dessert and eat a slice, charcoal bits included, for fear of hurting her feelings.

"Same ole, same ole."

"You know you could always invite a friend over to have dinner with us some time."


"There's always Chad I guess but he's..." Donna pauses, struggling to find the right word.

"A weirdo overlord?" Mackenzie supplies helpfully. She giggles under her breath as she flicks a blob of mush off her fork and onto the front of Jensen's favorite Green Day t-shirt, making her brother squawk in dismay.

"A little unusual." Donna clarifies, cuffing Mackenzie lightly on the back of the head.

"It's fine, Mom." Underneath the table, Jensen thumb-taps a quick text onto his cell. An SOS call that is answered a few seconds later with a reply that makes him grin with relief.

Dad is bringing a box of Dunkin Donuts on his way home from working overtime at the office.


Jensen takes another mouthful of food, holding his breath while he swallows in an attempt to taste as little of possible of the catastrophe masquerading as his dinner. When he's satisfied he's moved the contents of his plate around enough to make it appear as though he's eaten more than he actual has, Jensen wipes his mouth on a napkin and makes to leave his chair.

"And where do you think you're going?"

"To my room...I have-uhm-I have homework.""

"You spend too much time locked away in your bedroom. You're doing well at school, you can have one night off can't you, honey? Spend some time with your family for a change?"

Jensen's scowl widens. He's genuinely miserable because he'd been hoping to do a little more work on Jared's virtual wardrobe tonight-here's no way his creation is going to be out-styled by Ken.

"Yeah, cheer up. Did you bend your wookie or did someone at school steal your High School Musical backpack again?" Mackenzie ducks another slap from her mom and sticks her tongue out at Jensen with unrestrained delight at her brother's obvious gloom.

Jensen spends the rest of the night begrudgingly watching TV with his parents and kid sister-he is forced (against his will) to sit through a cringe-inducing Lifetime movie that makes his mom and Mackenzie cry when the nice nurse falls in love with the mean moustached husband's son who is destined to break her heart (and Jensen totally didn't cry too, it was a spec of frinkin' dirt!) followed by an hour of American Idol.

As nice as it is to have "family time" with the added bonus on donuts to munch on since he's starving to death, it's far from being Jensen's idea of a fun way to spend his evening.

Jensen's idea of fun has sharp, almond-shaped, hazel eyes and a dazzling dimpled smile-never mind the fact that it's pixelated.

Jensen isn't entirely disturbed, he knows he's never going to get dressed up and go out on an actual date with Jared, they're never going out together anywhere period. Jensen's never going to style him in a pair of Levi jeans and get to stroke the butter-soft denim against the palm of his hand. He's never going to see Jared, freshly showered, slipping into a loose-fitting white tee and boxer-briefs ready for bed. Jensen sighs unhappily, his pleasant thoughts embittered by harsh reality.

It's becoming an increasing concern to Jensen that he may never have a real boyfriend because nobody will ever live up to Jared. Nobody can hit a bar set so high.


Saturday night finds Jensen finally getting some time alone in his bedroom and unlike other boys his age he's not jerking off to posters of Megan Fox.

Jensen leans in closer towards his computer and clicks the mouse, adding another shade of chestnut to the hair of the figure on his screen. The image is getting as close to Jensen's dream guy as it's ever going to get in every way except that the young man staring back at Jensen is not real and will never exist anywhere but inside Jensen's computer-and his fantasies.

The silver cell phone on the bed vibrates and starts to play a tinny version of the Futurama opening theme, indicating an incoming call. Jensen reaches for it, squashing it against his ear.

"Dude, are you jacking off over your bubble-butt cyber creation again?" Chad is straighter than Hugh Hefner judging a smallest bikini competition but not beyond partaking in the occasional gay ribbing, for Jensen's benefit and his own amusement since Jensen's gayness is his primary source of mockery.

Like the time Chad bought Jensen a packet of Trojans and a dildo for his last birthday.

Jensen blushes glad that there's nobody around to see the scarlet shade of his cheeks. "Chad I told you before, his name is Jared."

"Whatever he's an avatar. I know I call my car Kit but it's not the same thing. Your obsession is unhealthy and this is coming from a dude who has almost all of his conversations using Twitter. Are you coming over to my place for some D and G tonight?"

"Jared's almost finished."

There's a pause as Jensen relishes the sense of achievement behind his statement and a giveaway sharp intake of breath as Chad absorbs the news. "Can I help?"

"Chad...I wanna do this right, finish him properly. Last time you tried to help me work on Jared you adjusted the spec and gave him an eight foot cock."

"And you never even thanked me."

"The answer's no, Chad."

"Okay so maybe anything bigger than eight inches and you're going to choke to death but what a way to go, huh? Huhhhhhhhhh?"

"I said no, Chad!"

"Shut up douchenossle. I'm coming over right now, so tuck little-Jensen back in your pants and get ready."

Sometimes Jensen hates Chad with a deep, fiery, passion. "If I lock the door will it make any difference?"

"Does it ever? See you later, be-yatch."


It's almost 10PM when Chad's beat-up old Ford pulls into the Ackles' driveway. It's so late that Jensen seriously suspects Chad stopped to grab something to eat on the way over.

True enough Chad wanders inside clutching a half-empty container of Chinese take-out. Jensen's stomach growls when he gets a smell of the food and he eats the offered leftovers hungrily, mumbling something about inconsiderate best friends not saving him any crispy Won Tons.

He hasn't eaten anything all day except for two strawberry flavor Pop-Tarts and a bowl of Cap 'N' Crunch. His parents are away for the weekend, spending their wedding anniversary in Aspen and Mackenzie is staying at a friend's house which means that Jensen has the entire place to himself.

It's pitch-black outside, there's no moon or stars to be seen due to a thick blanket of heavy cloud. Jensen scowls up at the heavens, the storm he heard predicted on the radio this morning is definitely coming. It'd better not fuck with the electricity supply like the last one did.

"How long till your parents get back?"

"Two days tops."

"Sweet. So are you going to show me how your creation is coming along Doctor Frankenstein?"

"Shut up, don't call me that."

"Chill man, jeez. It must be all that pent up frustration. You really need to get some dick badly don't you?"



"See how his eyes change color?" Jensen exclaims with a smile, animatedly motioning at the computer monitor. "How they not only shine but collect light, hazel really suits him don't you think?"

"I think I need a new best friend." Chad digs a half-eaten squashed Baby Ruth bar from the pocket of his jeans and eats it, picking off bits of fluff and lint before each bite.

"I used a transparent material for the cornea," Jensen continues on regardless.

"Did you see Sophia Bush yesterday in gym class? Man, do you know what I would like to do with her?"

"Nothing legal."

"Shower with her," Chad's eyes light up, "And then bam we hit the city, baby. A little nightlife, a little dancing and booyah."


"Boooooyah." Chad grins, gyrating his hips.

"You're missing the part where Sophia doesn't know you exist and if you ever tried anything she would pepper spray your ass. Nobody likes us at Shermer High, Chad. Nobody. We're too weird for the geeks and too dumb for the nerds. Don't you ever wonder if we disappeared completely would any of our classmates even notice?"


Chad's cheeks are bulging and he has a smear of chocolate above his top lip. Jensen scrunches up his nose-seriously, his best friend eats like Pac-man. Jensen turns his attention back to Jared, delighting in the last few touches that will make his creation complete.

Jared might be two-dimensional but to Jensen he's more than that, Jensen is smitten, maybe even in a little in love and he knows it's nuts. Jared is a fantasy, Jared isn't real but somehow Jensen can't find the resolve to ignore what his heart is telling him.

Jensen is without doubt a hopeless case.

Chad disappears off to grab a bag of nachos from the kitchen, undoubtedly along with as many other calorific Scooby-snacks as he can carry back up the stairs. Jensen seizes the moment to get some more work done while the peace and quiet lasts.

It's a little scary how close to being finished Jared is, in fact in Jensen knuckles down he probably will get him done tonight. Jensen's excited, months of slaving over his computer and ruining his lower back are coming to an end-but on the other hand, deep inside, he's filled with a profound sadness about the project, no about Jared, coming to an end.

When Jared's completed, Jensen knows he'll not be able to do anything more with his dream guy than sit in his bedroom jacking off to an image on a computer screen.

Jared has been so long in the making that Jensen had almost forgotten that there won't be any tangible results.

"We've nearly done it, baby. You're going to be perfect, I promise." Jensen's smile has a bittersweet edge. He reaches out his hand and lets his finger skim lightly over the monitor's screen. Caressing the close-up image of Jared's face, his finger runs over the sharp cheekbones, down to the small cleft in his chin.

Taking a deep breath, Jensen steels himself and carries on with his work.


Around 2AM the pit pattering of rain hitting Jensen's bedroom window lulls him to sleep, slumped back in his computer chair with a scattering of nacho crumbs littering his lap. The light from the screen casts him in a strange blue glow as he dreams.

He wakes with a start a short while later, going from deep REM to full consciousness with a comical flail of his arms.

Straight away Jensen can tell that something is off. For one, Chad isn't taking photographs on his cell phone of Jensen wiping the dried drool off of his chin.

Jensen rubs blearily at his eyes and freezes when he sees Chad hovering over his computer, or more specifically he sees what Chad is doing on his computer.

Jensen stands up. "Chad! What do you think you're doing?"

"Dude, did you get a free toaster with this thing?"

"Shut up, it's smarter than you. Now, get off my PC."

"You need an upgrade. My brother told me about this sweet new simulation system called DataLife that's being developed at Pi Studios. I thought maybe we could get a sneak peek."

"You're hacking into Pi Studios?" Jensen gapes, appalled.

"Maybe just a little."

"Just a little? You can't hack just a little! You're going to get us arrested!" Jensen exclaims, hopping up and down on the spot anxiously.

Chad ignores him completely and simply carries on tapping away at the keyboard as though he's not committing a serious offence. As though he doesn't care if he's going to make Jensen end up with a criminal record. One that will lead to a future lack of employment and almost certain premature death from depression-related alcohol abuse in a trailer park someplace hotter than hell and grimier than the insole of Chad's sneakers.

"What's happening?" Jensen asks sharply, the bleak peek into his own future momentarily forgotten as the computer screen goes blank.

"I don't know, I think it's a power surge." Chad frowns, hitting keys faster than Jensen can keep track of.

They both look up simultaneously as a startlingly bright bolt of lightening lights up the room in an almost supernatural flash that's gone almost as soon as it appeared.

The downpour from earlier has become a raging storm and it's so bad that Jensen feels like Dorothy, trapped inside a flying house being twirled around in the eye of a hurricane.

A booming crash of thunder muffles Chad's panicked high-pitched scream and an equally-as-deafening bang follows as Jensen's computer explodes in a shower of sparks, electrical components and a series of mechanical-sounding pings.

Watching his precious PC blow up is probably the most dramatic thing Jensen's ever witnessed-like World's Most Amazing Videos dramatic-and the closest he's ever come to a near-death experience when a ruined, still smouldering, speaker from his computer lands directly on his foot.

Jensen only has a moment to gasp in horror because it's then that all the lights in the house flicker and go out.


The air smells vaguely of burnt hair, a horribly acidic scent of frazzled electrical wire.

Jensen's computer is toast.

Chad has toasted his pride and joy.

"What the hell have you done?" Jensen feels sick to the stomach as he uses his camping flashlight to survey the wreckage that was once his HP Pavilion, he gapes at Chad and starts to hyperventilate as a genuine panic-attack begins to take hold. He doesn't waste one iota of thought about the mildly painful bruising on his foot.

In the back of his mind, Jensen knows that freaking out is a waste of time, what's done is done, but it's not his computer he's really upset about-and damn, he is pissed to all hell about that-it's Jared.

All his months of work, gone.

Jared, gone.

On his desk there are a handful of print-outs but it's not like Jensen will ever actually be able to recreate Jared again. Jared was a one off, unique and perfect feels like Jensen has lost the person who truly matters the most to him.

Honestly, Jensen could cry and if the stinging at the backs of his eyes is anything to go by he just might.

The tense atmosphere is broken by the sound of someone hammering at the front door but Jensen's way too distraught to even begin to ponder who could be calling at such an ungodly hour.

Chad scurries away to answer it, without needing to be asked. He's probably relieved to have been given an opportunity to escape Jensen's impending break-down.

Moments later, Chad's shrill voice echoes up through the floorboards from downstairs. "Jensen!"


"Jensen, get down here. Jensen!" Chad repeats urgently and Jensen frowns because Chad sounds odd, there's a definite tremble in his voice. A there's an escaped psycho at the door who wants to eat your liver quality that makes the tiny hairs on Jensen's arms stand on end.

Jensen gets up and goes to the top of the stairs, leaning over the banister-rail he can see Chad standing in the hallway. The front door is still open, swinging backwards and forwards slightly in the breeze. "What's wrong with you?"

Chad looks up at him, with eyes as wide as saucers he steps sideways and for the first time Jensen gets a glimpse of a butt-naked guy standing behind Chad, dripping rain water all over his mama's nice clean floor.

"Holy shit! Holyyyy shit!" Jensen's legs give way and he drops like a ton of bricks, his backside landing painfully hard on the top step of the stairs.

His brain is struggling to process what his eyes are seeing.

It's Jared.

There is a person standing in his hallway and that person is Jared. His Jared. Jensen designed every beautiful inch of the guy himself. He knows who he's looking at.

He's just not sure whether he can believe it, that's all.

On the computer screen Jared was very easy on the eye but in the flesh he's so good-looking that Jensen can't find the right words inside his head to describe him. The closest he can get is that looking at Jared must be what standing at the pearly gates of heaven feels like.

It's not as if Jensen isn't scared shitless, in fact he's not been this scared since he was mugged of his lunch-money in the junior high playground by a pair of thuggish six-year-olds, but staring at Jared is like riding on the Superman: Krypton Coaster at Six Flags Fiesta Texas. It makes your stomach flip-flop like crazy but you're still mysteriously compelled to want to do it.

Jensen's eyes follow the tanned broad shoulders, down the muscular chest to the dip where Jared's slim waist tapers to his hips. Moving further, Jensen can't help but drink in Jared's manhood, unashamedly on display.

It's jaw-dropping. Big and thick and fuck, Jensen has to stop staring or he's going to start salivating.

Jensen curls his hands into fists and brutally rubs at his eyeballs for a few seconds. But it's no good. Jared is still standing there. Jared, who suddenly seems to notice him then, gaze quickly flicking from Chad to the place where Jensen is sitting at the top of the stairs.

Jensen swallows loudly, his throat dry, hurting like he's just swallowed a whole handful of razor-blades.


Jared's handsome face breaks into an instant double-dimpled smile, lighting up like a Vegas slot machine. The naked young man moves to the foot of the stairs and then, without hesitation, starts to climb them.

"Uhm, p-please don't come any closer." Jensen inches back, terrified. Scuttling away on his butt like a traumatised crab who was channel-surfing and innocently stumbled across an episode of Deadliest Catch.

Chad is still standing in the hallway, weakly murmuring Jensen's name with one hand clamped across his forehead, helplessly watching events unfold.

"Hello, Master." Jared's voice is low and gentle, with the barest hint of a Texan accent that wraps his words in a smooth as silk sounding Southern twang. He sways a little on uncertain feet as he ascends the stairs. He's wobbling as though he's only just figuring out how to walk and doing a crappy job of it. But unperturbed by his shaky progress, Jared's face still wears a dazzling smile, like he thinks Jensen is the best thing in the world since teenaged boy first tasted Ben and Jerrys.


Jensen tries to speak, to scream, to ignore the pretty imposing dick edging closer towards his face. In the end Jensen settles for simply trying to swallow the hysteria-filled bubble of laughter that's working its way up his throat.

All he manages is a small squeaking sound before fainting.

It's not Jensen's proudest moment.


When Jensen opens his eyes, he's lying on top of the covers of his own bed-still fully dressed, praise the Lord.

Everything is blurred around the edges because his glasses are sitting folded on his nightstand. When he reaches over to get them and slides the thick black frames back onto his face the first thing Jensen sees with crystal-clear clarity is Jared leaning over him. So close that he can feel Jared's sweet-scented exhales puff against his cheek.

"Yaaarrrggg," Jensen cartwheels his arms, unsure whether to make a run for it or hide under his blanket. He's definitely gone totally insane, his computer created dream date is living and breathing and standing in his the side of his bed.

"Master, please don't be afraid."

Jensen's rapid breathing slows a little but he's not entirely reassured, it's not as if a figment of his messed-up imagination has to tell him the truth but he can't deny that Jared's merely standing there. He isn't doing anything harmful. He isn't trying to cave Jensen's head in with a hammer before chowing down on his brains. Not yet in any case.

"Don't call me Master." Jensen bites down hard on the inside of his cheek and tastes blood on his tongue. He's completely on-edge. Cheek chomping is a nervous habit he's developed over the years, one of many but at least not as noticeable and embarrassing as his eye tick.

"Then what should I call you?" Jared asks, his puzzled face scrunched up in a way that Jensen can't help but find instantly adorable.

"Douchnossl-" Chad offers quietly from where he is standing over by the door, his face is as white as a sheet.

"Jensen," Jensen interjects sharply, his hand lifting on autopilot so that he can flip Chad off. "My name is Jensen."

Jensen catches Chad's eye and they exchange a concerned glance. Over Jared's broad shoulder Jensen can see Chad frantically mouthing the words, what the hell dude?

Shaking his head, Jensen looks back at Jared. The six foot Adonis who is absently stroking Jensen's leg while staring dreamily into his face. He looks blissfully happy, completely unconcerned by his nudity and the fact that he is...what? Nothing but a projection of Jensen's troubled mental state? But that doesn't even begin to explain how Chad can see Jared too. Mass hallucination or some form of group psychic kinesis, maybe? Shit but Jensen really doesn't have the first clue.

Maybe Jared's some form of astral projection? Or a shapeshifter? He sure as heck looks human but Jensen's studied myths and legends, and he's read enough copies of Weekly World News to know that this sort of weird encounter happens all the time.

Oh crap! An alien! Jared's got to be an alien, taking on a human form he knows Jensen will find agreeable.

Alien, Jensen mouths at Chad. God, he wishes Jared would stop touching his leg. It's having a most unfortunate effect on his groin.

Freaking hell man, Chad mouths back, eyeballs bulging.

Jensen smiles awkwardly at Jared, watching out of the corner of his eye as Chad stealth-lessly attempts to open his closet, rooting around inside until he re-emerges with Jensen's Little League baseball bat.

Clearly petrified and shaking like a leaf Chad lifts the bat, ready to swing it at the back of Jared's head and probably crack his skull open like a Cantaloupe-is alien blood an easy stain to remove from carpeting? Jensen shakes his head to clear away the horrifying image and focuses back on trying to keep Jared distracted. His skin is crawling with fear and he's not so sure what he's doing or what the hell is happening but Jensen has been a computer geek for as long as he can remember and one thing he knows is that avatars shouldn't be walking and talking and they really shouldn't be stroking him anywhere on his person.

Even if it does feel really, really good.

Jensen can see Chad counting down from ten, mentally preparing himself. He's just about to take a swing when Jared whips around and plucks the bat from Chad's hands, snapping it in two pieces as though it were nothing more than a thin twig. Jensen gulps, heart hammering against his ribcage so hard it feels like it's trying to bust its way out of his chest.

Chad is standing, bug-eyed, like a statue and Jared is staring at him again. Huge expectant eyes boring holes into Jensen wide enough to drive a monster truck through. Jensen can feel the intensity of the heat in Jared's gaze and God, it burns. All of his body feels over-sensitive from it, tingly to the point of distraction. In fact, Jensen's pretty sure he's getting a boner.

"Jensen?" says Jared, flicking his head back to move a strand of glossy chestnut hair away from his face.

Jensen blinks, forcing himself to look Jared in the eye. Ignoring the pull of Jared's nakedness that is magnetically drawing his gaze down to the good stuff below. "Yeah?" Jensen asks, his voice unusually croaky.

"I'm here to please you but I sense that you are unhappy with my presence."

Jensen startles when he notices the tears forming in Jared's dark eyes. He flusters for a moment, unsure what to do until he finally decides that patting Jared's shoulder is the safest option. When his palm touches the soft warmth of Jared's skin a sensation similar to static-electricity travels up his arm. "Shhhh, hey...uhm, don't get upset."

Jared beams at him, hurriedly blinking away his tears he shuffles closer to the bed so that his thigh is pressing-a hot plate-against Jensen's side. "I'm yours. You created me."

Jared's skin is tanned, nut-brown and he's well-built, with a genuine six-pack unlike anything Jensen has seen outside of television or the movies. He looks exactly like Jensen intended, like he's seventeen or eighteen years old with a body built for sin.

He looks like a jock, a drop dead gorgeous Texan jock. If Jensen didn't have supreme control over his bodily functions, he'd be drooling right now or coming in his pants. One of the two. Probably both.

"I-I didn't create you." Jensen gabbles shrilly, struggling to make his mouth form comprehensible sounds.

Jensen reaches out a hand, uneasy but wanting to prove his point he takes hold of Jared's bicep and squeezes the firm muscle, his stomach butterflies choosing that moment to start partying.

"See," Jensen croaks, "You're flesh and blood and bone. You're not gigabytes and circuit-boards. There's no way I created you."

Jensen once made a daisy chain for Mother's Day, he even once made a functioning volcano (with ketchup lava) for Science class. He has never made a living, breathing person. Jensen is uncertain about of lot of things in his life but the one thing he is certain about is that he is not, and never will be, God.

"You created me," Jared repeats undeterred, he presses a large hand to his chest as though counting his own heart-beats. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't exist."

Jensen can feel a migraine forming behind his eyes and rubs at his temples. "I'm a kid, I'm a nobody. I go to high-school. I LARP for Christ's sake."

"You tell him, Legolas." says Chad, earning a glare from Jensen in response.

Chad's ability to make light of a situation at the most inappropriate times never ceases to amaze-and infuriate-Jensen.

Jared stands up and walks over to Jensen's computer, it's pretty much fried but there are copies of printed files on Jensen's desk. There's the original sketch from Jensen's notebook and it's him down to every fine detail. From the tiny mole next to his nose to the dimples to the wide, impish yet sexy, grin. He's a perfect reproduction of Jensen's idea of a dream boyfriend.

Jared's still unsteady on his feet, as he picks up the notebook and passes it to Jensen. He's worrying his bottom lip with his teeth, clasping and unclasping his hands. He's afraid too Jensen thinks to himself.

Jensen can feel himself starting to relax, his tense posture easing slightly. "Sit down, before you fall and hurt yourself." Jensen says, surprised when Jared immediately complies by taking a seat on the edge of his bed. In fact he looks delighted to be given a command.

"How am I going to explain this, explain him," Jensen asks Chad, motioning agitatedly at the gorgeous hunk of nakedness sitting too close for comfort, "To my parents?"

"This whole thing is nuttier than squirral shit...I don't know man, give me a minute to think here. Uhm, exchange student? All of those guys are usually freaks."

Jensen climbs off his bed and makes his way over to Chad. He edges carefully past Jared but Jared doesn't move a muscle, he simply smiles up at him, eyes huge and doting.

When he's standing over the by the door, he feels a little more relaxed, knowing the exit is so close at hand.

"Who are you?" Jensen asks, smacking his lips together to try and moisten his cotton-dry mouth.

"I'm Jared. Your Jared."

Jensen covers his face with his hands, "Why are you here?" He asks again, speaking through his fingers.

"I'm here because you made me." Jared stands up and tries to walk towards them but stops in his tracks when Jensen raises his hand.

"You know, this doesn't have to be a bad thing." Chad says out of the corner of his mouth and Jensen instantly fears the spark of a plan he can see forming in Chad's eyes.

"What?" Jensen stage-whispers.

Chad grins.

"What? Dammit?" Jensen doesn't like the devious tilt to Chad's smile one tiny bit.

"Jared could be our meal ticket."

Jensen gives his friend an eye-roll of epic proportions, "Chad, what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about Jared, I mean look at him. He's good looking, he's stronger than the Incredible Hulk and he thinks you're his master! Come on, Jen! Don't even try and tell me you don't get off on that. Look at him, man. He looks like one of those too pretty to exist male models off the CW."

"Are you forgetting the part where he isn't real? He's a...he's a...I don't even know what he is." Jensen baulks.

If such monolithic events in Jensen's life came with a soundtrack, right now he'd be listening to the opening theme to  Halloween.

There's a little voice in the back of Jensen's head telling him that things are going to go tits up faster than Pamela Anderson taking a tumble down a hillside.

This is bad.

~part two~

weird science, look ma i wrote j2, big bang 2011

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