The 30 Days Of December Meme - Day Fifteen

Dec 15, 2009 19:38

Day 15 - A Fanfic I could ever really just choose the one. Warning - these recs are ones which meet my preference and my preference has always been for Sam/Jared centric stories. Also, some of my recs will be for Wincest fics.

Recs behind cut.

The happy-place face: Fics which make me smile as I squee - these tend to be fics where the boys love for each-other is so visceral you could eat it off the page.

Causeways ‘ Wasted on the Young’ - Once upon a time when Jared was five and dinosaurs roamed the earth, rubber duckies appeared out of thin air and submarines surfaced in Jensen's bathtub. Also, two very pretty boys got stuck in very sexy situations.

Mournthewicked ‘We Must Reinvent Love’ - With high school graduation less than two weeks away, best friends Jared and Jensen find themselves scrambling to tie up a few loose ends before they’re forced into adulthood. Jared ropes Jensen into helping him get the alcohol for Sandy's graduation party, and what should be a simple night of partying ends up turning into a series of mishaps and misunderstandings that all come to head when Jensen finally tells Jared the secret he wasn't ever planning on spilling. If high school has to end, they're going out with a bang. (A J2 spin on the movie Superbad.)

'A Rose In Another Man’s Garden' by Memphis86 - Sam only wants to eat green things, and Dean wants to eat cake. There's a curse, and letters are written but never sent.

The sad face: These are the fics that make me go ‘oh boys you hurt so pretty’

'The Somersault Verse' by not_refined - How can Dean and John hold it together when Sam suffers from brain damage after a hunt gone wrong? Set after ‘The Benders’ but goes AU.

'A Priori' by Memphis86 - He wakes up half-blind, not able to remember anything. Then Dean Winchester shows up to complicate things.

The woobie face: These are my fave hurt/comfort fics - and I pretty much live for a good hurt/comfort story.

'The More I See You' By Elless18 - Jared and Jensen have pretty good lives. They have the show, they have good friends, and they have each other. Their relationship is maybe a little unorthodox, but they’re both perfectly happy with their friends-with-benefits agreement. After an accident leaves Jared seriously injured, he needs Jensen more than ever, and it forces them both to reevaluate some things in their lives.

'Both Sides Now' by Nocturniquette1 - Jared is Jensen's world and that world is about to be insidiously threatened. Through the nightmare, will their children and relationship be enough to see them through, or is it time to accept things will never be the same again?

'Shouting Out Loud' by Blynnk - Jensen and Jared are college students who are nothing alike and meet for the first time when they both enroll in an acting seminar. They are cast as the leads in an experimental 2-man play dealing with domestic violence.

The dang it’s getting hot in here face: I don’t read a lot of porn, I’m British, I get embarrassed easily. But when I do want to read porn, these are what I turn to:

'While You Were Sleeping' by Charli_Macboyd - , sleep, schmoopy, emotional, loving, hot, first-thing-in-the-morning wake-up sex.

'Tundra' by Blynnk - After discovering an affinity for kinky sex, and at a friend's suggestion, Jared decides to go to see a professional in order to get a real taste of the world of BDSM. It does not turn out the way he thought it would.

'But Then My Homework Was Never Quite Like This' by Thenyxie - AU. Jared’s eighteen and in his senior year at a private school in San Francisco. He’s coasting pretty on his parents generous school donations-until his seventh period Physics teacher gets replaced with the maddening, infuriating, gorgeous Mr. Ackles. Jared’s gotten by all his life on his money and his charm, but Mr. Ackles seems to think he needs some... lessons in self-control. The journey their relationship eventually takes them on turns out to be far more than either of them ever bargained for. Toppy!Teacher!Jensen in glasses and Student!Jared in private school uniform included!

There - that's a short list but really all my favorites are stored in my 'memories' which every member of my Flist has access to - also for some good 'Gen' recs, please check out my favorites list over on FanFiction Net. If you're not already on my Flist, I'm buds with some fantastic writers who I won't name for fear of missing someone out but God..pretty much everyone on my Flist who writes has been a source of inspiration to me at one point or another - and has written a piece of work that I've admired.


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