Sep 17, 2005 17:18
It feels like my friends and I are splitting apart. We never do anything anymore and it has got to the point we barly talk. A girl needs someone to talk to and I don't have anybody. The other night I was around them and it was sort of weird, we don't have anything in common anymore. I'm limited and stored inside. There is something really lonely about everyday. I mean I talk to people and we laugh and joke around ,but I don't TALK to anybody.
Maybe i'm bi-polar, because I'll be happy and retarted one min. then the next min. i'm crying like lucy died or something. Anything can trigger my ok day to a bad one.
Nobody understands not even me.
I got treasure of the student council props for me.
I watched the Ole Miss game today and I have a corn on my foot that hurts like hell.