Maybe Just Maybe

Oct 31, 2007 21:42

This may me a random thought but its what i have learned in life.

A bestfriend: 
what does this word really mean. In my mind a best friend is someone that if you needed them in the middle of the night, they would find a way to get to you to help you. How many people can say they have one of these...well i thought i could but now i may be wrong. 
  have you ever had those people in your life that you do everything together, you can make eachother laugh, cry and just act stupid. Than that one day you realize wow i haven't hung out with that person in like 2 weeks or 2 months. This little period can change everything (so what i have learned) 
  This little time period can make what use to be a open friendship into the nerve wreaking strangers. You could tell this person(s) anything. Could it have been the lack of phone talk or hanging out. but when you try to talk they can't or just don't want to. Can we ever have that best friend we can share our life with, there is always that one thing we can't tell them, but why? Why be afraid, if they were your best friend they wouldn't care if you didnn't wear makeup one day or what your house looks like. They wouldn't care who you went out with, or what you said(even if its about your life and whats going on and it could be the stupidiest conversation) So why when we look back we think to ourselves why did we say that, they must think im a idiot for saying that. But my question is if they were your best friend wouldn't they except you for who you are and act like they wanted to hang out or call you instead of you calling them. 
         I thought i had people like this in life but maybe im wrong, maybe i will never have that one friend i can tell anything to them without me rethinking what im going to say cause im afraid they might talk about it later. Maybe i won't have one of these but whoever stuck with this till the end I hope you have a person like this, that know your life and your willing to share your life without wondering if they are thinking "my god will you just shut up"  I hope you have one and bless you for having one.
But maybe i will have that best friend the one that i could call in the middle of the night and know that they will be there. Maybe Just Maybe?


best friends?, thoughts

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