written for a special person. my guitar buddy. :)

Jan 13, 2006 22:59

tv stops
phone rings
to quick for
the answering machine
pause quick
eyes tear
im gone but
my hearts hear
wierd words
shivers spine
and then comes
the next few lines
shes hurt
shes cut
shes bruised
she fell
dont worry child
i knows shes well
some kids
no car
across the street
the skip
the walk
the silent beep
the light turns green
away they go
the cars the kids
not going slow
it happens quick
but i hear late
the words i
seem to already hate
before they even
reach my mouth
my heart is turning
its dropping south
its happens quick
a few seconds it seems
and life can change
your sweet life dreams
so think my friend
the day will come
when your at
your final run
but as for now
and until your grown
your waiting
on the line of the

i love you to the moon. and forever. ever. ever. ever. and ever. and if something happened to you. i dont know what i'd do. just seeing lindy put her hand over her mouth made a tear role down my cheek i cant even imagine if..

i heard five minutes ago

tnod tel efil ssap uoy yb
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