APTITUDE TESTS and results

Aug 25, 2009 19:43


Percentile Profile Scale


Health Service90

Food Service89





Industrial Art60

Personal Service58

2. Food service
3. Science

Your highest score was on Health Service, which means that you are interested in helping to prevent, diagnose or cure diseases through laboratory work, or by attending to the health needs of individuals directly. You also scored highly on Food Service, indicating that you like to be involved in the preparation, serving, or selling of food products. This includes selecting ingredients, creating menus, supervising kitchen staff, cooking, baking, and aspects of food service. Your high score on the Science scale means that you enjoy working with abstract ideas, scientific equipment, and mathematical logic and reasoning to solve practical or abstract problems.

Investigative (Thinkers) - Your Score: High Investigative types enjoy the challenge of problem solving in mathematics, technology, and sciences, and the abstract and practical ideas related to these areas. Applied science, such as engineering, technology or computer science may also be of interest to them. They can be technically creative.
Attentive (Servers) - Your Score: High Attentive types enjoy helping others, serving others' personal needs and looking after the comfort and well-being of others. They are happy in jobs requiring sociability, politeness, patience and a happy disposition.
Realistic (Doers) - Your Score: High Realistic types like physical activity, working with their hands, and are mechanically-inclined. They enjoy working outdoors and do not mind physical risks on the job.
Social (Helpers) - Your Score: Med Social types are interested in helping to keep others emotionally or physically healthy, or in teaching others. They enjoy giving advice and working directly with people, either in groups or individually.
Artistic (Creators) - Your Score: Med Artistic types are often thought of as original and creative by others. Such people enjoy expressing themselves in artistic ways such as acting, dancing, creating music or visual art, or by expressing their ideas either through discussion or debate.
Conventional (Organizers) - Your Score: Low Conventional types enjoy supervising others in jobs where rules and tasks are well defined. They show careful attention to detail, are organized, follow instructions well and prefer jobs where their daily duties are regular and fixed.
Enterprising (Persuaders) - Your Score: Low Enterprising types are people-oriented. They like to talk to, influence and persuade others. They are confident, adventurous, assertive and show leadership.

Your career profile shows you are an Originator.
As an Originator, you are naturally optimistic, and very accepting of other's differing perspectives. You are genuinely interested in the needs of others, and your inclination to listen before you talk helps to communicate that effectively. Your low-key and easy-going approach to life is evident in your demeanor, but it tends to cover up your underlying strength and intensity. Typically, you are balanced in most aspects of your life. Others find you to be kind and trusting, and you likely enjoy being surrounded by the same type of people. You enjoy being spontaneous, and you have little use for structure, routine or planning ahead. You have an innate sensitivity, which makes you receptive and considerate to the needs of others.

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