I've found a new way to draw my friends into cycling. The Tuesday Night Crits. (don't make that face I know you don't know what they are) The TNC's are weekly summer bike races out at UBC. The course is about 1-2 km long and they race for 30 min. People do about 12-15 laps of the course in a race.
Here's where you want to stop reading if you're a) male and straight sick of fangirl-esque gigglings. I won't blame you at all. If it wasn't my lj I would probably leave too.
Now most of you know that I'm cycling crazy but, surprisingly enough, I've never advocated cycling as a sport producing hot guys. It's kind of a disadvantage to say....soccer but that's how it is. However I went to the crits this evening (By the way Crits stands for Criteriums; whatever that means) with my brother and not only were there 3 mocha frappucino's racing there were a number of frapp's wandering the premises of UBC. Now I don't know about you but I don't usually see upwards of 8 frapps in a 2.5 hour period. Not to mention that I think one was Italian....And most of them were either shirtless or completely toned (legs!)
So yeah that's how I spent my evening. Alternately watching my favourite sport, live in my own backyard (so to speak) and mentally drooling over the manflesh wandering around. Life sucks eh?