Movies are life

Jul 21, 2004 16:43

Recently I have seen "The Notebook" with Lyndsay and "I, Robot" with Shawn, Kevin, Joe and his girlfriend. Both were good movies; this may have been because I walked in notexpecting much, or just something flat out bad; I was suprised both times. I had a good time with Lyndsay, we think very differntly but that is the way with human beings i guess. It was fun to hang out with a girl again, hehe how sad is that. I really was missing Sheryl yesterday:( it makes me sad that she now lives so far away. Stupid sheryl....anywho

So far it has been a really good week, for no real reason just cause...hehe so acording to murrphy's law things are now going to take a dramatic turn for the worst...let's hope not, though.
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