FIC: Don't let you go.

Jun 03, 2007 03:20

OK... I'm with insomnia... but I was working in a personal fic, and this: A Danny Messer/OC story.


Danny/OC Involving Lindsay. - Flack/OC

Danny has a new love in his life, but the love of his life back to the city.


Danny is a man who lives without regrets… or that was the idea that he had about himself, but in the bottom of his heart, he have one thing, one event who makes feel guilty for didn’t talk… he let the love goes away a few years ago. She didn’t notice about Danny’s feelings, and he never tells her how he feels.

That is his regret, and he doesn’t know that he will have the chance to make the things different.

This text isn't review by a beta, so be gentle :)

Lindsay and Danny are spending some time together, a few movies and sport games. Danny looks happy, but he has a little stone in his heart, and no matters what he does to take it out, he can’t. A lot of things of his life remembers her.

This year the things are different in NYC, in the Crime Lab indeed. Mac have a girlfriend, Don is living with his girl, the doctor who treats him when he was injured by the explosion; Stella doesn’t want to know about boyfriends for a while… love is in the air.

Don is in the crime scene. He is talking with somebody.

“Are you starting today?”

“No, today I have to watch you; tomorrow we made the shift together.” - The voice of a woman it’s the only sound in the air.

“I’m so happy that you comeback here Shiny.”

“I’m so glad to be here Don, and because you let me stand at your place. Are you sure that Gracie doesn’t matter?”

“Of course, she knows that you are like my little sister… my little cookie.”

“Don’t bother me Don… don’t call me the “Rookie Cookie””

Both laugh a lot.

At that moment, Danny and Lindsay walk to the scene. But when Danny looks who is with Don, his eyes glows, and a big smile staring at his face.

“I can’t believe that you’re here… Oh my… are you back?” Danny hugs the woman tightly.

“Yes Danny, I’m back, I’m start to work with Don tomorrow.” She hugs Danny too. Lindsay looks the scene a little lost. The woman turns at her and says: “Shania Gostling, detective. But everybody calls me Shiny” She extends her hand to Lindsay, who shake the hand and says: “Lindsay Monroe.”

Danny can’t stops to look Shania, in his mind a lot of memories are coming so fast. He just smiles, and Lindsay looks him a little angry.

“What we have here?” The voice of Monroe sounds hard, for that reason, the team start to work.

Back in the car Lindsay asks Danny about the woman

“Who is she?”

“Shiny?… She was our first rookie as a team; she works with us until 2003, when she was transferred to the DC, in the missing persons unit. She is very special for all of us.” Danny tells the history very excited, but in his mind one more phrase come: And she is the woman who I’ve loved for long time.”  He stops the talk.

Lindsay looks Danny a little bit intrigued by his abrupt silence

“What’s happens hun?”

Nothing, I was remembering.

And that was true; he was remembering how he fell in love with her.

The rest of the way they keep silence.

In the crime lab, everybody smiles and regarding Shiny, but Stella was the most happy with her back.

“My girl… my little girl; how you’ve grown.”

“Come on Stella, don’t over react, please.” Shania is been a little blush.

“How’s feels back to home?” Mac asks her meanwhile he gives a hug.

“I have to do, I really needed back home.”

Lindsay feels out of place between all the memories that the group share it. But in a moment asks Don for her, and Don start to tell her the history:

“My sister and I studied at the public high school. Shiny was friend of my sister, and she always came to my home to study with my sis, or things like that. Some day she asked me for the dates of the admission in the police academy. When I told her that she needs a letter of her parents, she answers me: “I’m an orphan… so what can I do?” At the other day, I introduce her Stella, who becomes in her godmother. She was living in the same home care like Stella lived in her childhood, and she helps to prepare the entire test for the academy.”

Don smiled to remember this; Lindsay understood what that girl is important for all of the team.

“Also, she is like other of my sisters, in fact, my parents loves her like a daughter. She spends all the holidays and vacation with us, after we know her reality, and she still in contact with all of us. Stella and my dad was the persons who gave her badge when she graduated at the academy.” Flack looks Shania with proud, like she shared his blood.

Danny watched the scene in silence; he observed every movement of Shania, her laugh. And he feels like a coward again. That woman drives him crazy, like a teenager; he knew that she was the only woman who he have dreams for a future together. He loves her laugh, her way to see the things, her love for the basket and baseballs games. Rising by herself in an orphan home makes her different, and he loves that difference.

But his thoughts could be frozen when Lindsay wraps her arms around his waist and tell him: “Dinner, at my place?”.

That was the moment when Danny remembers that he is dating with Lindsay.

csi: ny fanfic

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