Apr 03, 2007 01:33
That was the way that I felt today in the class.
Even when I studied all the weekend, the Vygotzky's theory shows me new subjects today.
Also, the only one evaluation of this subject, will be a paper would it have a thesis about some theme of the class.
I'm pretty scared about this, and I can't understand why I feel this.
So I decide start to make reviews about my class text and try to put in order my ideas.
Other fact that happen today: I feel a little melancholy... it means, I miss have my own BF... I think that everything starts with the news that one of my ex classmate [not one of my closest friends] will be marry.
Don't panic!, I don't wanna marry... yet, but I want to have someone who cares about me, someone who wants to share the days and some nights with me, someone who holds my hand and hugs me in days like this, when I see no lights. I want some guy who miss me... who miss me a lot!
I wanna know if that guy exist... I need a clue.
But i'm scared because I feel that I'm not in a good position for a adult relationship, because I don't have a lot of things to offer, it means, well I have 27 years old, a part time job [with a small salary], I live with my folks, and I'm back to the school now... pretty !
I want to believe that you could come here soon, but I'm asking why don't you are around me.
I want to believe that you would be in front of me, but I'm tired to wait.
I'm tired of being alone
i'm tired of feel this.
Maybe I'm tired, maybe I have to rest.
And the things in Santiago doesn't change. The system of public transportation is a mess, I don't have a f****ing bus between the faculty and the gym [before I had four]. No words for the subway, full of people anytime... I hate this.
black words