Meme I know I got from
goddess_loki 1.Do you know where your sister is right now? I guess that she is in his father's house.
2. Last time you hugged someone? The day before yesterday, when I said : "see you soon" to
ladyrocketdale and when I said "I'm here" to my mom when I came to my trip.
3. What is something you've learned about yourself recently? "I am not afraid to walk this world alone"... Gerald writes this, but it's an hymn for me.
4. What color is your watch? Blue
5. Do you like anyone? My family & Friends.... In a romantic way... just platonic
6. Do you know of anyone who likes you? I don't know yet
7. Where do you work? At the faculty in Santiago
8. What are you listening to right now? The Saints Are Coming - Green Day & U2
9. What do you smell like? Vanilla Scent
10. What color are your pants/jeans? Faded blue sky
11. Closest thing to your left? The mouse and my pendrive
12. What color is your bedroom? Purple
13. Do you have a chair in your room? Yes
14. Time you were born? 1:18 AM
15. Do you know anyone who is engaged? Yes, my stepbrother, my stepsisters & one of my best friends
16. What's your favorite number? 11 - 22
17. Do you know someone named Lori? Yes, one of my teachers of English the last semester.
18. What color is your mom's hair? Burnette, but now it's like caramel
19. Do you have a dog? Yes... I have 3 one lives with me [Athenea], and Zeus & Amidala, who lives in the country
20. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid? A lot of them
21. When was the last time you went swimming? 15 days ago
22. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings? Two days ago
23. Did you ever go to camp as a child? Nope
24. Do you play an instrument? Flute
25. Do you like fire? Yes
26. Are you allergic to anything? A tree called "Oriental Banana"
27. When was the last time you cried? When I'm leaving Buenos Aires
29.Have you ever been to a spa? Nope
30. Did you take science all four years of high school? Yes, and in college too
31. Do you like butterflies? Oh yeah
33. What is one thing you miss about your past? When we was living alone
34. Have you ever seen the school counselor? Yes
35. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? I'm a teacher now
36. What is one thing you've learned about life? All the things in their own time, and everything falls down for their own weight
37. Are you jealous of anyone? Oh Yes *envy green*
38. Is anyone jealous of you? I don't know
39. Ever been stuck in an elevator? Nopes
40. What does your mom call you? Pauly... Paula Andrea when she is piss off with me.
41. What does your siblings call you? Paly, Palita, Palycita, Paulitz
42. What does you hair look like right now? In a pony tail
43. Has a friend ever used you? In a bad way, Yes, and she isn't my friend anymore; In a good way yes
44. Has anyone recently told you that they like you? In a romantic way... nops
45. What have you eaten today? Coffee & milk, and two slices of bread
46. Is your hair naturally curly or straight? Curly, but I straight a lot.
Valentine's Questions
Do you like anyone? In a paltonic way... yes
Do they know it? Nops
Said "I love you" and meant it: Nops
Waited all night for a phone call that never came? Yes, and sucks
Sad and looked up at the stars? Yes... who don't.
Flowers or chocolate? Flowers... nobody gave me flowers anytime
Gray or black? Gray... the equilibrium between black & white
Color or black and white photos? Both
Lust or love? Love
Sunrise or sunset? Sunset, it's kind a magic
M&Ms or Skittles? M&M Crispy... but just the candy, not the ship
Are you in a relationship? Nups
If so, who with? Hahaha
Star Sign? Sagittarius
Do you believe love at first sight? First sight attraction, the love will be build
What about true love? Definitly yes
Would you kiss on the first date? A few times
Do you like hook ups? Are we talking about one-night stands here? Nops
Do you enjoy receiving flowers? I will
You have a valentine event planned out? Nah... I'll stay at homeoffice working or studying English
Do you like having a Valentine? Who don't
Does someone like/love you currently? I don't know
Whats the best gift to receive on the day? A letter with love words, a big hug and a magic kiss
Is a little kiss (peck on cheek) during school on valentines day sweet? Nops, we don't celebrate Valentine's at the school
Have you ever gotten something from someone on the day? I never spent a Valentine's day with a boyfriend... werid.