Mar 24, 2014 16:48
So, it's coming on a year since I had The Gout diagnosis, and my doctor made noise about weight loss and/or better/more regular exercise. I worked on that for a little bit, but then I sort of said screw it, and I'll admit that since November, I've had a high wine and candy happy diet. *hangs head* Oddly enough, heart burn? Yeah, that's become a thing. Weird, right?
After three years of not commuting by foot a mile both two and from work, and after a good two or three months of a pan of home made brownies twice or thrice weekly, and two to four boxes of wine a week, is anyone surprised that my feet are starting to look like fat people feet?
Look, I've gone up and down, and then up and up and up the scale. I've never been a yo-yo dieter. I've done weight watchers, and I'm your typical it worked and then I gain it back and more poster child. Somehow I made it out of my adolescence with really not caring that I was "overweight." Quotes because, oh, I so was NOT. But I believed I was, and I didn't care . . . because I was already inherently unloveable, so what was one more thing? It never *mattered*.
While I worked hard to get my sense of self worth under control, I was pretty content with my size, because I could walk and i had endurance and I could run around with the dogs, and it wasn't an issue. I bounced back from injuries, I was rarely sick, it was good. I'm definitely in the Healthy at Every Size camp.
There's this gout thing. And my back injury from October, and this lingering tightness/pain in my leg from that, and now my feet look like sausages. I'm having swelling in my feet more often than not. I've started walking part of the way home from work (1.5 miles) after going back and forth in my head for a year about how I need to walk half way or not at all because I'm wasting my bus pass if I don't? (Don't try to follow that logic, it'll only hurt you).
I've been doing yoga in the morning for the past week. I'm somewhat seriously considering working running into my exercise, albeit slowly. (This will likely pass after the first attempt, if I know myself). Once upon a time I had to walk to and from work every day. Committing to a quarter of the distance now shouldn't be a big deal. I could just pretend that I have to, on the days when I'm doing it. And really, that afternoon bus makes walking preferable.
I haven't had my period since January. Skipped it in October but I figured that was because of the stress of the back injury. This, with the combination of having a hard time breathing around certain areas of the city, and random pressure in my chest yesterday that was followed up by much burping, has me deciding that I, obviously, was having a heart attack. (Yes. All of those are clearly signs of a heart attack. ESPECIALLY skipped periods.)
I am insane.
Which is reason enough to go see the doctor.
If only mine didn't cost $80 a visit. Because, the dog with definite heart disease comes first.