May 29, 2013 18:57
As some of you are no doubt aware, over the past few years I have made several false starts at turning out a non-fiction Odin devotional and/or guidebook for working with Him. To be honest, this project has begun to seem increasingly untenable to me. I have never found the idea of simply editing a devotional anthology to Him appealing; I wanted all, or at least the bulk of the text, to be written by me. The problem with that, though, is that my own relationship with Him and understanding of Him has evolved into something so personal and idiosyncratic that it may not be useful to produce a book-length treatment of it; my blog writings may well be enough. And maybe I will collect some of my online essays into book form at some point in the future, as others have done.
But in the meantime, a couple of weeks ago while poking around online I noticed a call for submissions for a Hekatean prayer book, and I thought to myself, why not do a prayer and ritual book for Odin instead of a traditional “devotional anthology”? To my knowledge, this would be the first book of its kind for Him, and I think it could prove a useful resource to many, many people, from seekers to newbies to us old-timers. I will not be including articles, personal essays, stories, or “normal” literary/devotional poetry, only prayers, rituals, chants, invocations, and artwork. The goal is to create a resource book for devotional use, while leaving out the more controversial assortment of opinions and anecdotes that would normally appear in a devotional anthology collection. This does not mean that the the prayers in it cannot come from an idiosyncratic and possibly controversial viewpoint or framework, but they must be actual prayers, not thinly veiled ideology, and I am going to be very selective about what I include. I fully expect to be writing a good deal of the content myself, but would very much also like to include contributions from others.
And so, I am opening up submissions for Prayers to the Allfather (tentative working title), with a current deadline of June 30th, 2014 (though this may change, depending on how many submissions I get by then and how many of them I accept. Ideally, I would like to have the book out by Martinmas (November 11th) 2014. I will be publishing it via CreateSpace under the Wild Hunt Press imprint, with a Kindle version available as well. I cannot offer royalties or free printed copies of the book, however each person whose work appears in it will receive a free pdf (electronic) copy.
Please help me to spread the word about this by circulating the below Call for Submissions widely!
Call for Submissions: Prayers to the Allfather
I am currently accepting submissions for Prayers to the Allfather, a collection of prayers, rituals, chants, invocations and artwork for Odin. This book is not going to be a traditional devotional anthology and I do not want to receive any articles, personal essays, or literary devotional poetry. This will be strictly a book of liturgy for Him which I hope can serve as a resource for His devotees (meaning, everyone who loves and reveres Him) regardless of their specific belief system or approach to Him. Please see below for more details of the type of content desired.
Prayers, blessings, chants, songs, mantras, and invocations: These may be of any length and style but must be your own original work and must be addressed to/directed towards Odin/Woden/Wodan (or any of His heiti, i.e. alternate Names). Although these types of pieces can certainly be poetic and even be framed in poetic form, I don’t want poetry that has a mostly ideological purpose (ie, putting forth your own personal view of Odin in some way without the piece being an actual prayer), or poetry that serves a primarily literary purpose. This is a very fine and debatable line, and I suppose the deciding factors will have to be a) what He says about it, and b) how I feel about the piece and whether it seems to fit my overall vision for the book.
Rituals: I don’t want spells, but rituals that serve a devotional purpose: dedications, blessings, meditations, festivals created for or focused on Him, energy work, etc. There is no length restriction here. Personal rituals you have done for Him would be perfect for this; please email me or just send the piece for me to look at if you’re not sure whether it would fit!
Artwork: I would like to include Odin artwork throughout the book, including on the cover, for meditation purposes and general drooling over His awesomeness, including: paintings, photo manipulations, shrines, statues and other artwork created for Him, etc. Depictions of concepts and symbols associated with Him (ravens, wolves, valknuts, snakes, bears, etc.) are also acceptable.
Please email your submissions to: and make sure to put “Prayers to the Allfather” in the subject line.
Once again, the deadline is June 30th, 2014, and I will be the final judge of all submissions. You must also be willing to sign an agreement to have your work included, which I will email to you upon acceptance.
Please help spread the word about this by reblogging, retweeting, etc.!