The grey beauty didn't start by seeking me out -- none of us working last night saw him come in, but Larry found him sitting in the film drop off box around 5am. Out the guard put him (and rightly ticked me off. Scared kitty, and he's carrying him away from him like he's plagued. Grrrowl) and in he came totting in. I grabbed him, brought him back outside behind the lot, and came back in. Half an hour later he came in, ran into *my* aisle, curled up on the shelf, and purred at me.
*heart melts* A beautiful grey kitty, smaller than the Princess, with brown eyes. I've never seen such striking eyes on a kitty. And he *purred* at me. *melt*
So very sweet. But the first thing the guard and Jack asked me was if the kitty was mine. ::innocent look::
In other news,
eretik was totally insane, and completely wonderful, and ventured all the way to Philly to drop off a microwave for us. Secretly, she came all that way to fawn over Scout, and rightly so, for Scout is, of course, to fawn over. I don't know what it is about her eyes, but they're just devastating. Scout was quite taken with her, as well. It was very sweet.
And now we have microwavey goodness.
I'm attempting to do laundry, but the laundromat I generally go to is closed, so I'm eating breakfast/lunch and gearing up to haul the cart a mile to the other laundromat. Woot.
We also flea-combed the kittens yesterday and let them walk around upstairs a bit, independently. Shy loves the attention. After we gave her her medicine yesterday, she licked my nose. I near about died. So cute. And today they are all six of the running around and rambunctious.
Squeee kittens! They go to the vets on Thursday for flea dips and shots. Assuming they are better. I think they will be.