Mar 29, 2009 18:32
Thanks everyone for your positive messages left on the last post. I realized a day or two after that I hadn't been taking my thyroid medicine for about a week... which I think greatly influenced how I was feeling. I'm back to taking them, and feeling much better. =)
Also... I wanted to let everyone know I am officially going to ASU. =) It may not have been my first choice of outcomes... but I definitely think it will be good. I'm hoping that my mom's friend's house (which is right by ASU) will become available before I move back, because if it does, she's going to save it for me =D And it's basically within walking distance. And it's a house, which would be awesome. But we'll see =) I do have to start thinking about where I'm going to live. My first choice would be right by ASU, but if that doesn't work out I want to live within walking distance of one of the light rail stops. But.. Yea. We'll see! =)