in the memorial day soccer tourney we were 3-1 we had one terrible game so we didnt make the finals... the best moments
-- shawn trushes dad eats a lemon with the seeds... me: now a lemon tree will grow in your stomach... mr.trush: yup... shawn: that would b sweet... mr.trush: no shawn it would b sour
i love my 2nd family (aka the trush family if ur that stupid and cant figure it out)
-- playing fifa street with shawn and jeremy they were against me... weston u suck at this game... at the end of the game im dancing around winning 12-3
--swimming in green pools... lmao
--room 215? shawn ding dong ditches we pass later and they go were u the ones who knocked on our door ::runs::
--honkers... what a sweet restaurant
--STAR WARS haha omg that was a good movie with sam, mitch, and sean
--in the restaurant SHUT UP... thats a yellow card lmao that was so scary i thought that guy was a psycho.
--too many other good times to write about
--i <3 u guys
now for some fun pictures!!! of no one i know but they are of duke LAX and j.j. reddick
yes yes ok westies done for the night