Jan 03, 2006 14:44
"And He Stretched Forth His Hand Towards The Heavens, And There Was Darkness Throughout The Land of Eygpt"
Isn't it funny, just when you think everything in the world is ok, BAM, something happens that makes you question fate? Honestly, I believe that everything happens for a reason, but right now, I'm not so sure. I almost want to go outside, stand in the snow and sream at the sky SMIGHT ME OH MIGHTY SMIGHTER! Ok, maybe that was alittle too Bruce Almighty, but still, at this point, with all that's happened within the last year, I really truely want to go outside, and scream the burning question, Why? Why do things like this happen, to good people. It doesn't matter how much beer you drink or BBQ you eat, or how fat your ass gets (quoting Kill Bill) shit happens. Micah, I didn't know you too too well, but I'll never forget math and bio classes, you could always lighten the mood, and I'll never forget you showing me how to dress a deer on paper...I'll miss seeing your smiling face around town. RIP I hope to see you smileing again one day.
Ok, *sniff* anyway, I'm sitting here, comtemplating life, and waiting for an email from Connie to see if I passed mod 2...I'm sicker then a dog, yet again, so I stayed out of school today, wasn't real interesting in going. I'm going to finish my Kramp in the ass paper...(I made a funny lol) It's almost done anyways, I really couldn't care less at this point. Other then that, mods 3-4 start tomorrow night, yay, I guess. I get to hang out with Josh which is awesome, but I'm really not up for dealing with shit heads...
OMG weirdest thing happened to me, I had a dream that I got bit by a spider on my middle finger of my left hand (with me so far?) and alot of other crap happened in my dream but, when I woke up and looked at my hand, the bite really was there! Freaky...Just thought I'd share...My mom's respose was "Are you sure it didn't bite you in the head, or brian for that matter?" Thanks mom, feelin' the love...Meanie.
Daily Advice: Don't take anything for granted, enjoy everything and everyone you have in life as long as you can.