Help name a publisher!

Mar 15, 2006 14:26

So I need a 'publishing name' for my ISBN application. This will go on the title page of my book, and any other books I use my ISBNs on. I didn't just want to put "(my name) publishing". That's boring. Plus it screams 'vanity project'.

I looked through my notebooks, where I write lists of words I like with a view to using them later, and I thought Headlong Publishing.

(It seems all the more appropriate considering I'm devoting one single afternoon to thinking of a name, before running down to the post office with the application. But anyway)

I googled for it, just to be sure. And yes, there was a Headlong Publishing. But the operative word here is 'was'. It seems to have been run by one John Newson, who lives (lived?) on the island of Lamma, which as far as I can tell is somewhere near Hong Kong. The domain connected with it has expired and the last mention of it is in 2004 - and that's just Mr Newson's bio attached to a review he wrote about some book set on his island, nothing about the company itself. I've found no books he's published or any other reference to his business. I followed a link to a big listing of business people (, but though Google remembers him and his company being listed there, he isn't on the list any more.

I can't mail him because the only address I can find is at the expired domain. Do you think it's safe to use the name?

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