
Mar 05, 2009 02:47

So I graduated. Although I technically have four more months until I will actually be finished with school. It was an exciting day, but there sure was a lot going on up until that day! I created the interface for our web application for senior project the first week of January. I should have created the interface during Christmas Break, but I procrastinated it away. This took away our two week buffer, which hit us hard later. We slowly started coding, and then realized we had some major issues that needed to be worked out. Almost all of my Saturdays in January were spent at DeVry working with our team to deal with those pesky logic bugs.

During all of this, Taylor and I moved in with our friend Zack. It was a tough move for both of us, as we were in the midst of our projects. To make matters worse, we both contracted the stomach bug that was going around. It all worked out once we got into the new place and had time to set things up. I'm very happy with my new surroundings, but it's not quite the same as having your own apartment with your loved one. The kittens are dealing well, they are just trying to get used to the doggies still.

During the first week February, our group did our senior project presentations. We had some issues the week before and had spent the time needed for practicing the presentation finishing up the system. It was treacherous, not having a lot of practice and being in front of a large group of people. Although I felt extremely nervous, we did really well. Everyone was impressed, and I was ecstatic it was almost done. Two days later we had to present our system to real-world judges at DeVry's Technology Fair. Our team ended up earning the Most Marketable and Judges Choice awards for our major, which was also very exciting.

Graduation came up quickly following the wrap-up of our project. Savannah, Diana, and Amanda all tooktrip down from Redding to attend. My whole family and all of my friends were there. Alison and Jenny made it, and that meant the world to me. It was a very exciting day, and everyone was beaming and so proud of me. It went by in a blur, and I was so beat that I just passed out as soon as I got home from the festivities. I was so glad to have all of the most important people in my life there.

I recently started a database internship at TechAmerica, where Zack is employed and Taylor is currently interning. I have only worked one day, but I'm very excited to have this job. It doesn't pay much, so I'm going to have to get another part-time job, though I'm fine with that. The experience I'm going to gain from this position will be unfounded and I'm grateful for that. This is the kind of position I was looking for, knowing that DeVry didn't quite teach me enough to have a real-world career. So my life is making exciting moves forward and I'm ready to take them head on!

Originally published at I am The BlueDanMan.


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