Oct 02, 2011 02:57
Character Name: Minato Arisato
Denizen: The carp who swims up a waterfall and becomes a dragon
Eventually I'll get around to drawing a picture or something, but be aware that when he's in full denizen form, Minato will be Gyarados an East Asian sort of dragon, though with some slight alterations. For one thing, his paws will be webbed, and there will be a caudal fin of sorts along the end of his tail, as well as probably other finlike bits. His coloring is pretty much like a showa koi, maybe? Dark blue/black and orange spots along the top of his head and back, whereas he is otherwise mostly white, particularly underneath. He also has something of a mane that is blue and flops over one eye. But if he gets very Denizen-like, that might change. Uh... yep. :)
!character information,