sorry :/

Aug 09, 2002 23:40

sorry for no updates lately..but rest easy cuz i will be posting like a mad woman starting sunday :) i will become my regular computer-geek self once again..heh..

im feeling lots better, thanks for everyone understanding! luke is in a better place still hurts, and that will never go away..and when school starts it will be so weird..but right now im dealing with it the best way i know how..

ryan leave to utah for college on sunday not going to the airport..i cant..i have been facing this so negetivly lately..but finally last night, i realized..if i love ryan as much as i know i do..i should be able to let him go to utah to do what he loves, 4 months would be the lastest that i see him again..but hopefully he can come up before thanksgiving :)

sun.* my sissie, mommy, and i went school clothes shopping *yay* i love shopping...hehe..but they didnt have the shoes i really want from nordstrom in my size, so i ordered them..came home and gave ryan the AF sweatshirt i bought him..and then he stayed and played cards and games with my was fun :) then we had one of those long talks..that where i start to cry..then he starts to cry..and ahh! but it is about stuff we gotta get off our chests..

mon.* ryan helped my mom and i work at my mom's work..they are setting up this showroom for my daddy's we helped :) he pushed me around on that carts through the hallways, fun fun :) that night we had another talk :( but again..we gots ta~

tues.* we went downtown to GaMewoRKs :) it was SO much 2 and a 1/2 hours playing games..he kicked my ass on like everything BUT the balloon game and the skiing game..woohoo me! hehe, then we went eat at the cheesecake factory..omg! that was SOOO yummy!! but we were tooo stuffed to get cheesecake for us, but we brought home one for my mom and three for his family *how nice of us huh?* then we went to the drive-in..saw Master of Dis. and Men in Black was fun

wed.* we went to southcenter..bought ryan some undies! picked out 2 from the bon and 2 from AF..sooo cute :) his favorite boxer brand >joe boxer< went out of sad..the asian girl from Blue Crush was at the mall signing stuff..i decided to eat instead :) heh..then we went back to his house and he dressed me up in his big ol' was funny...i first had these plaid HUGE pants on and a HUGE red hoodie..then a soccer outfit..and then i made him put it was hilarious, i took pictures so yeah..i'll post some :) then he got in his pj's and i stole a pair of his sweats and we went to albertson's and got french fries and cookie dough icecream for our snacks :)

thurs.* ryan had to get his hair cut and stuff today, so i worked on my gift for him..i finished! woohoo!! its a scrapbook of the pictures from our LA trip..its reallly cute!! i gotta get my diggie cam to work so i can show you guys :) when he got home, he came and picked me up and we were being stupid and bored at his house..then it got dark, so we went to the elementary school nearby and did the swings! it was so cute <3 then we played on the big toy and watched the planes in the sky.. then we went to the map they have painted on the ground at the school and he stood in utah and i stood in washington and i go ' isnt that far away' then we went home and ate ice cream and watch vanilla sky..

today.* i just took a shower and i have a bunch of chores to do..but i wanna get done with them so me and ryan can have the entire day today..we gotta think of something fun to do today!! tonight he is taking me on a 'surprise' eep! i have no idea at all to where..gosh, he is so cute..

BYE!! im glad im BACK <33 hehe

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