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Jul 12, 2004 18:54

Alright so here's the scoop on the furby burning ceremony..(sorry Veronica and Ita, Eryn was pretty bumbed last night and I figured that would help cheer him up). So at about 2am we went up to the usual hill we chill at late at night. Apearently the dude that lives right up there has bought out the area, which is kind of retarded because there are electrical towers up there and that is city owned property.. Anyway, on to the burning!! I had taken out the batteries to the fucker so it wouldn't wake up and go crazy on the way up there. So as soon as I put them back in he starts going off the wall. Once he's up and ready I light his left ear on fire. Then the right ear. He's sitting there talking and singing while his ears are on fire. Funny as hell... Its ears all flapping around as he talks which eventually sets the fur on his sides on fire. After a little bit it starts going "WEEEEE!!!" and "party!" Once the flames are spread a bit more it starts complaining about the "sun". hahaha Within a few minutes through the it had spoke its last words. Then it started melting. Its eyelids were already gone and its eyes were melting down its face. By one point it almost looked like a black skull. Then the curcuit board started sparking up and popping. I think one of the peices of it shot out at Eryn's leg(something off it hit him). After that it just turned into a black blob of unidentifiable muck. Once the flame died out I pried off what was left of the curcuiry board and kept it as rememberance of such a supreme event, then chucked the rest of it over the cliff side. Well I'd write more but my computer is fucking up like crazy... The keyboard keeps freezing up too. And what's weird is the only way to unfreeze is to jiggle the mouse even though the mouse does nothing... grrrr Anyways, toodles.
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